Sunday, June 29, 2008

P.S. I Love You

Disappointed with the movie. Bahx . . .

Huge difference between the book. Bahx . . .

The Book:

- Holly lived in a big house, that has a car porch, a front garden and a backyard.

- She had 2 elder brothers, a younger brother and sister.

- Both her parents were around.

- Daniel bought Hogans, the pub that he run.

- The letters from Gerry was delivered all together in a parcel to Holly's parents place.

- Her new job after receiving the 2nd last letter from Gerry, was in a magazine company.

- When Gerry died, he was buried in the grave yard.

- Denise and Sharon announced their happiness at a dinner.

- Holly took part in a singing contest, and was found in the toilet crying not wanting to go up on stage.

- Tom and Daniel were friends.

- Daniel's ex-girl slept with his best friend who is a guy.

- Holly visited the tour agent alone.

- She met another guy that she had a slight feelings for when she bought a large stack of newspaper and lots of chocolates.

- They were suntanning on the beach while they were drifted off by the waves without knowing, and was saved by a group of girls they didn't really like.


The Movie:

- Holly lived in an apartment.

- She had only a younger sister.

- Her father died when she was at the age of 15.

- Daniel worked for Holly's mother.

- The letters were delivered individually through different ways.

- Holly's new job was a shoe designer and had a shop of her own.

- When Gerry died, he was cremated and his remaining were stored in an urn designed by him, or was it by Holly. Where Holly carried it with her everywhere she went.

- Denise and Sharon announced their happiness when they were having their holiday at Ireland.

- She didn't took part in a singing contest, but went up the stage willingly.

- Tom and Daniel were total stranger.

- Daniel's ex-girl slept with his ex-ex-girl.

- Holly visited the tour agent with John.

- She met a guy she that she had a slight feeling at Ireland at a pub.

- They went fishing, and lost their oars thus they can't row back to shore. Was saved by the guy Holly had a slight feeling for.


Overall, I don't really like the movie. I thought it would be similar to the book, like Harry Potter where there isn't much changes. Or maybe, in Harry Potter, that wasn't any changes.

The movie and the book, was of total difference. I don't like. I thought it would be similar or a little changes. No, they doesn't.

It was Gerry's parents that doesn't like Holly. Not Holly's mother dislike Gerry.

And I don't like to see Honey's eyes sparkle at a scene where Holly unbuttoned a few buttons of her clothes, and tie a knot at the bottom of her shirt, where she wore quite a short skirt. Humph!

Honey, you better not watch this movie again. You can only watch PG movies from now. =x

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Miss You

This is Bamm Bamm. He likes building castles in the air.

Honey got herself a new camera, Nikon D60. I like it, because I've used it. Though it's heavy, but it's quite good. Took a few photos of the kids and Salty as well. *happy*

So, I don't need a Nikon D40x anymore. So I shall officially take it off my wish list. And yes, that nice black camera, Honey would be sharing it with me without her family knowing. =x

And the gifts Honey gave, I've yet to take pictures of it. Because my sister is around anytime and I don't want to share it with her. Call me selfish, whatever. All are Honey who bought for me, I'm stingy, I don't want to share it with her. She'll gobble all up in no time because it's all chocolate which is from Japan. And there's one box of chocolate that she wants. I don't want it to end up all in her tummy even before I had the chance to eat.

I'm sick now. Down with a cold. Took some vitamin C under Honey's supervision. And yes, watching on my diet now. No chocolate nor fried food. Whatever I want to eat, I've to go through Honey's consent. It's not that I'm afraid of her, it's because she cares about me.

Since I'm sick, I'm not going to expose my chocolates and mochi that flew all the way from Hokkaido. Honey said I've hide my gifts well, because she can't find where they were in the refrigerator. *happy* This shows that I'm good at hiding my stuffs. *happy*

I shall eat them slowly when I recover. Lalalala...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

You Don't Mess With The Zohan

Catch a movie today at the usual place. Irritating GV, no student price, except for NUS student I think. The other they have it, now they don't. What policy are they having now?

Anyway, Honey and I caught the movie [You Don't Mess With The Zohan]. The movie was quite interesting and hilarious. Zohan's private part is big because, it's the 'jungle' that is big. His reason for having that 'jungle' is that it gives women a sense of comfy-ness, as it acts as a cushion. Hopefully I didn't remember this wrongly.

It was funny on the way why Zohan named himself after the two dogs that he met on the plane, when he reach New York. And the way he entered Paul Mitchelle's building is damn hilarious. The whole salon were laughing at him, be he took it as no joke.

He found his love, helped restore peace at New York city. And yes, he had a new job as well and it's going on well. You should watch this movie to see how he progresses in his work.

For me, when he kick the bad people, especially when his both legs were up, it's quite fake actually. As Adam Sandler seems to show us that he's standing, and that the pair of feet is somebody's else. Other than that, I think the flaws aren't that obvious other than his big jungle.


Went Bugis, took neo-cards with Honey. And I would say I'm loving it. Honey should know why. We had a bowl of soup together at Bugis, The Soup Spoon. Nice! I like the one I drank today. Don't really know how to spell it, so forget it. If there's a chance, I'll go back there for the soup. Yum Yum.

Honey got me quite a number of presents. Shall show it another day as I've yet to take pictures of it.

Till then, tata~

P.S. I shall save as much as possible, to go on a trip to Hokkaido and have fun! As well as for the hot spring and the blue label thing.

P.S.S. Cheng, actually your mum didn't want to get you any present at all. Honey was the one who convinced her to get you at least something. :D When free? Meet out soon again. Not in a hurry, take your time. Meanwhile, happy busy-ing with your project.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cold Calling

While studying Advertising today, I came to realize sometime ago I've received a phone call, about some shampoo product. I know I should reject the call saying that I'm not interested. But somehow, I felt curious on how this advertising marketing works. As in cold calling as it's different from what I've worked before.

The difference is, they call randomly by checking the huge book they had on the desk. They just randomly pick one number and call and ask lots of questions. You should have seen Honey's jealous face as I'm on the phone for quite a long period of time. Yes, long period of time and I hadn't had the time to entertain her.

So come to think of it, it's so much different from what I've worked before. I called the numbers given to me, knowing where I'm calling to. And that I called to ask about the mailer and if they would want to use the services provided by the company.

The phone call I've received asked me about a lot of shampoo product thing. And being even more curious, I began to wonder which shampoo product company is calling me. It's the Ascience. (Did I spell it correctly?)

Anyway, I remembered the person ask me about the spokesperson they've used. Frankly speaking, I know neither of the spokesperson mentioned. They should use people like S.H.E, Jay Chou, TVXQ/DBSK, Lee Hom etc. At least more people will start using the shampoo product right? As in get someone that we younger generation knows.

OK, maybe the current spokesperson many will know. But people like me, didn't really bother to know who the person is, will never know who the person is. At least like get someone that I know of, maybe I'll try the product. For sure!

Anyway, not that of important. Did thought of trying that product, but lazy to get from the stores available though.

6th Day without Honey, life is totally boring. Today is my dad's birthday. Didn't really prepare anything. Just got some money from mum who sponsored for the cake which I've ordered. Interesting isn't it?

I'm tired.

Monday, June 23, 2008

5th Day Without You

One week of a boring life. Nothing to do other than watching TV, listen to music, study, eat, sleep, look after the animals. What else can I do? Yes, waiting patiently for Honey's return. It's the least I can do for her and for me.

Not feeling well recently. A little sore throat, a little feverish. It's an on and off thing. Sickening! I've drank plenty of water as much as possible, but it doesn't seem to be of any help.

Honey's flight will be tomorrow evening if I'm not wrong. Arriving on Wednesday morning, at around 1am. Hopefully Honey's information to me isn't wrong. I miss her badly that I don't mind staying up and wait for at least a call or sms.

Wasn't feeling at all happy since last night. Shall not dwell into the unhappiness.

Anyway, I want to watch movie. [You Don't Mess With Zohan], I'm waiting! I just want to watch, because Adam Sandler is portraying as an Iraq man I think, and the accent of his change. I like the way he said [No, no, no, no] in the movie. It's just hilarious.

Another movie would be [10 Promises to my dog], and I think my sister would be paying for my expenses for this movie. *happy* See, my sister is this good when her boyfriend isn't around.

She paid of my expenses these days because I've no money left in my wallet. *happy* I didn't want to withdraw money though, because I just don't wish to. It isn't good to keep always withdrawing money, and make it a habit when you're running low on cash isn't it? Somehow on the other, I managed to survive without much money since Honey had left. *happy*

Sigh . . .

In about 2 more days, I'd be able to receive my present from Hokkaido, Japan. *happy*

Sunday, June 22, 2008

3rd and 4th Day Without You

I would say, it's the weekend without you here for the 3rd and 4th day. I begin to slack even more, because, IT'S THE WEEKEND where I doesn't have the mood to study at all.

Totally glad that I've returned the library book on time, almost forgotten about the due date which is yesterday. Thank my sister for reminding me as she needs to return the books as well. She paid for my $0.30 fine, which I gladly accepted since she's so nice when her boyfriend isn't around. *happy*

She even paid for my lunch today. *happy*

As promise to Honey, I studied a little today, though I doesn't have the mood to. No worries, I know what I'm reading and I understand so far a little of the whole advertising thing. It's so marketing and advertising that it makes me not want to study it anymore.

Irritating module. Of all, why fail this module? Should fail a module that is so much interesting to read. Modules that I thought I'd failed passed with flying colors and got the grades that I didn't really thought of getting. Modules that I had confidence in, doesn't make it to the top. Shouldn't have given myself so much confidence in the first place. Irritating. This is how life works isn't it?

Been doing something for Honey, self-made. I wouldn't say what it was, because I KNOW HONEY WOULD BE READING. So you'll know it after she returns and had received the gift. And to tell you the truth, because of the handmade gift, I accidentally injured two fingers, wasted a couple of things. And yes, the whole thing still managed to be finished. *happy*

Been watching Romantic Princess yesterday, as in almost the whole day. I know I shouldn't have, but it's tempting to do something other than studying. =x So, Honey, don't scold me for this. I still do study and do some tutorial questions that I had previously. And hopefully I score well this time.


Friday, June 20, 2008

2nd Day Without You

I'm simply glad that Honey went on MSN last night. But I'm freaking jealous because she went to have a dip in the hot spring. *jealous* I want to have a dip in the hot spring as well. Humph. . .

She asked me to blog everyday, and that she'll try to get an internet access there, so she'd be able to read what's going on in my daily life. I would say, Baby! I miss you so much. Miss you badly.

And, she still haven got me any present until the 3rd day. So what are they doing so far? Dip themselves in hot spring? Sight seeing? I want to do those, but that would be like in a million years later.

I would say, I'm a bad girl today. Because I didn't study for my supplementary paper. I'm plain lazy today. I don't know why. Not in the mood to study nor do anything but sit and build castles in the air.

And why my dog has been so horny lately? He's been humping me almost everyday since a few days ago. OK, I'm not the only one, my father is the other victim. And yes, we have to control him for that. Sickening dog.

But it's a good thing that he didn't really went to disturb my two precious children when I allowed him into the balcony yesterday. *happy* But he'd be jealous when I didn't give him any attention at all when I'm cleaning Bamm Bamm's cage yesterday. He's a jealous dog. *laughs*

Thursday, June 19, 2008

1st Day Without You

Honey's in Japan, received an sms all the way from Hokkaido this afternoon. *happy* Yes, hopefully she'll bring back some chocolates and if possible mochi. Yeah! I love to eat. Hopefully I get to taste Japan's mochi.

When Honey isn't around, I'm a very very good girl. I woke up early, clean my boy's cage and lecture Salty for being too noisy. I've counted the numbers of babies, and it's still the remaining four. *happy*

I watched the last few episodes of [斗牛。要不要]. Yes, I know I'm slow. But I do have reasons. My reasons is, I'm busy. =x

Anyway, the show is damn nice. Touching, hilarious, you name it. I like the show a lot. And I find that Hebe's quite pretty with the style of hair in the show. And the character she portrayed, I like.

Anyway, I'm do study for my supplementary paper OK. So Evil Sister, when Honey's back, do put in good words for me. *smile* And when's our outing? So many outings, when? Waiting~

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Down with 4

Sadly to say, I'm left with 4 baby hamsters today. Actually there was 5, somehow after our afternoon nap, we're down with 4. We don't know what went wrong but yeah, we'll treat this as a lesson learn. So . . . We're going to prepare ourselves for the next batch in let's say, 2 months time. That is when Bamm Bamm is much older to mate with Pebbles in that sense.

Anyway, we just hope the remainding 4 will survive without the mother eating them up. We're kind of sad, and most probably that was why I had nightmare without me knowing, and screaming in the middle of the night. That information was according to what my sister had told me.

Whatever it was, 4 pups left. We're down with 4.

Today is the day where I'll be alone at home for around a week before Honey returns with all the chocolates she promised to get for me. Which I hopefully hope that she didn't forget about that.

I'll save up enough, to go at least a Hokkaido tour in the future. I won't say when, but I'll try to make it happen. I love travelling, but hate the plane flights which might make me feel so uncomfortable at times.

Next month is nearing. I've to do according to the Dos and Don'ts Honey had left for me. After which, I have to get a job which I like. Pay doesn't really matter to me, because I just want to work in somewhere I enjoy myself the most.

Video Production, Photography, Bakery or whatever I like, other than admin and office stuff, I'm fine with it. And yes, hopefully the place I'll be heading to in the coming month will be the place that has office politics going on.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Kungfu Panda

I've catched Kungfu Panda today. Basically because, I love panda a lot. It's one of my favourite animal on this planet. It's an extinct animal, so people please protect them. At least for the next few generation, they'll be able to see this cute little creature. Though it's isn't little in real life. But whatever it was, they're cute.

And yes, just a few minutes ago, I've witness Pebbles eating one of her pups. I'm so damn terrified can. T.T

Back to Kungfu Panda. It's basically about finding the real true dragon warrior to defeat this ex-student of the master. The whole movie totally brought laughter to us all, and I had to cover Honey's mouth in order to minimise the laughter she produced.

The movie made me crave for noodles, with SOUP! And yes, the way the Panda fight with the villian, it was totally damn funny. He's like totally enjoying fighting him, and even when he's learning martial arts from the master, he's just enjoying and playing a fool. One thing which I can't really understand was, how can a crane have a son like the Panda? I mean, the panda is indeed a panda, and a crane is indeed a crane. How does a crane comes out having a son as a panda?

But anyway, I love the movie.

After movie, meet up with Tong for coffee. Coffee is a no no for me, and I just had hot chocolate. It's so sweet. I'm still waiting for Honey to bring me to drink nicer hot chocolate. I'm waiting!

Went over to Dhoby Xchange for some noodle because of the movie. Settled down at Just Acia. Free flow of ice cream and drink can! I don't even know about it's existent of the free flow thing, but ya, the noodle just attracts me in wanting to try. I thought of trying ramen, but think again, I don't want to waste money on maggi mee. I've heard many saying ramen is like maggi noodles.

I settled on tom yum kway teow. Yum Yum! It's nice except for the erm, hair found in it. So yes, we got a 10% discount because we didn't want another new bowl cooked for us as we're rushing off soon and I'm already almost finishing. :D

I recommend this place, cos to me the tom yum is nice. And there' FREE FLOW of drinks and ice cream if you order a set. And it's like additional $2.90 for the set. :D

Monday, June 16, 2008


I had a bar of Meiji chocolate, uneaten since the visit to the dentist. No worries, the expiry date has yet to arrive. Had just typed 14 messages in Honey's phone for her to read while she's having holiday in Hokkaido, Japan.

And yes, she'll be there for a week. Which means, I've no warmth and hug for that particular week, and most probably, no freedom as well. I had to stay at home, look at my children and grandchildren, as well as to look at the dog that would somehow tries his chance of irritating me. Especially every morning! Grr . . .

But . . . I'll look forward to the following week, where Honey would return with a few of Hokkaido chocolates for me. YumYum~ If it's possible, I would want some mochi from Japan as well. It's not everyday I get chocolates from overseas you know. So I'm really looking forward to the one and only motivation that will keep me going on and study for my supplementary paper.

I've been thinking quite a lot lately. Shall reserve the thought to myself, because I'm selfish, I don't wish to share. But on the other hand, I'll do share if I think I'm ready to spill out the bean. So don't ever ask me anything about my recent thoughts.

Finally, I've finished reading [P.S. I Love You]. I would say the book was awesome.I strongly recommend it. It's one of my favourite book now, apart from Harry Potter series.

I can't wait to watch the movie version of [P.S. I Love You]

Saturday, June 14, 2008

We're grandmothers

Pebbles has been quite aggressive lately, especially yesterday. She bit Honey's finger many times, and there's once, Honey's finger bleed. Honey made me to capture a picture of her injured finger, and blog it here.

We got to know she's pregnant like during Wednesday night, close to Thursday early morning. Being first time parent of a pregnant hamster, we asked Honey's ex-classmate for help. And yes, we got some tip from her in looking after a pregnant hamster, and the after birth thing.

Pebbles was fine this afternoon when I saw her. And she gave birth in the late afternoon, Honey realised it when she arrive at 5plus. I didn't know, because I didn't really check on her, afraid that I might disturb her or something. So I left her the way she is.

These are the babies that weren't in the nest. The rest are in the nest. We tried getting pictures of the other babies, but failed as the lighting wasn't good. Quite pitch dark I would say.

We're both excited. I dropped what I was doing in the laundry, and went off to look at Pebbles, the now mother of don't know how many. My sister had to help me finish everything after placing the excited Salty back into his play pen, of fear in him disturbing the after-birth Pebbles.

He's quite excited, and he knows.

I'm a grandmummy now! So old can! Some hamsters are booked! My mum was quite excited as well, so it my sister. We're all excited. Woots~

We're grandmothers

Pebbles has been quite aggressive lately, especially yesterday. She bit Honey's finger many times, and there's once, Honey's finger bleed. Honey made me to capture a picture of her injured finger, and blog it here.

We got to know she's pregnant like during Wednesday night, close to Thursday early morning. Being first time parent of a pregnant hamster, we asked Honey's ex-classmate for help. And yes, we got some tip from her in looking after a pregnant hamster, and the after birth thing.

Pebbles was fine this afternoon when I saw her. And she gave birth in the late afternoon, Honey realised it when she arrive at 5plus. I didn't know, because I didn't really check on her, afraid that I might disturb her or something. So I left her the way she is.

These are the babies that weren't in the nest. The rest are in the nest. We tried getting pictures of the other babies, but failed as the lighting wasn't good. Quite pitch dark I would say.

We're both excited. I dropped what I was doing in the laundry, and went off to look at Pebbles, the now mother of don't know how many. My sister had to help me finish everything after placing the excited Salty back into his play pen, of fear in him disturbing the after-birth Pebbles.

He's quite excited, and he knows.

I'm a grandmummy now! So old can! Some hamsters are booked! My mum was quite excited as well, so it my sister. We're all excited. Woots~

Thursday, June 12, 2008

We're Not Ready

Met up SGSS Sisters, together with Honey. Yup, Yan wanted to have a look how my Honey looks like. But of course, not Cheng, as both are relative. This 'aunty' of mine, totally got irritated by me. OK, she'll hate me for life for calling her 'aunty'. On the other hand, don't be angry, I've given you muffins, hopefully they're nice. :D

Had dinner at Chomp Chomp last night. The food, heavenly! I want to go again! I want to have a go at the Hokkien Noodles, the satay, the oyster omelette, the stingray and many more. Totally delicious can! The sugar cane, doesn't have the sugar cane taste, so it's alright for me. :D

Went to Ice Cube, I think that's the name, for some dessert. Honey and I had the one that has 8 scoops of ice cream, while the other two shared brownie caramel. Delicious!

I'll recommend Chomp Chomp, though the food, I've heard doesn't seem to retain the same standard, but still it's a place where I grew up from. Chomp Chomp anyone?


I think my Pebbles is pregnant. From what we asked Jas on how to tell if a hamster is pregnant. She say the most significant way of telling is the swelling of the nipple. We checked, and yes, her nipple does swell a little. Another was her tummy, yes, her tummy is bulging. *sweat*

We both panic, sat down and think. WHY SO EARLY?! We're so totally nor prepared, traumatized. She's getting fatter! Jas say if so, might give birth in 3 to 5 days. *faint* I've not kept a hamster that has went pregnant before!

I planned to have a pregnant hamster in around 2 months time, not in the month of June! Hopefully it's false alarm, please tell me it is.


Busy on the phone, ignoring my presence.

She's sigh-ing and repeating to me that she's not prepared to be a grandmother. =.= My dear, I'm not prepared as well.

After having garlic bread, she started doing this to let me smell her breathe. =.=

The pregnant Pebbles.

We're Not Ready

Met up SGSS Sisters, together with Honey. Yup, Yan wanted to have a look how my Honey looks like. But of course, not Cheng, as both are relative. This 'aunty' of mine, totally got irritated by me. OK, she'll hate me for life for calling her 'aunty'. On the other hand, don't be angry, I've given you muffins, hopefully they're nice. :D

Had dinner at Chomp Chomp last night. The food, heavenly! I want to go again! I want to have a go at the Hokkien Noodles, the satay, the oyster omelette, the stingray and many more. Totally delicious can! The sugar cane, doesn't have the sugar cane taste, so it's alright for me. :D

Went to Ice Cube, I think that's the name, for some dessert. Honey and I had the one that has 8 scoops of ice cream, while the other two shared brownie caramel. Delicious!

I'll recommend Chomp Chomp, though the food, I've heard doesn't seem to retain the same standard, but still it's a place where I grew up from. Chomp Chomp anyone?


I think my Pebbles is pregnant. From what we asked Jas on how to tell if a hamster is pregnant. She say the most significant way of telling is the swelling of the nipple. We checked, and yes, her nipple does swell a little. Another was her tummy, yes, her tummy is bulging. *sweat*

We both panic, sat down and think. WHY SO EARLY?! We're so totally nor prepared, traumatized. She's getting fatter! Jas say if so, might give birth in 3 to 5 days. *faint* I've not kept a hamster that has went pregnant before!

I planned to have a pregnant hamster in around 2 months time, not in the month of June! Hopefully it's false alarm, please tell me it is.


Busy on the phone, ignoring my presence.

She's sigh-ing and repeating to me that she's not prepared to be a grandmother. =.= My dear, I'm not prepared as well.

After having garlic bread, she started doing this to let me smell her breathe. =.=

The pregnant Pebbles.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sex and the City

Rated M18, Honey looked at me from top to toe, as if I don't look like I'm 19. What's wrong? It isn't my first M18 show. I've watch [Super Bad], and another which I can't really remember. But overall, I've watched like less than 5 M18 shows. It doesn't really matter, since I've already watched R21 with you at home. =x

But anyway, watched [Sex and the City] with Honey's ex-polymates. I wouldn't describe the morning to afternoon part of my day, because finding my way in somewhere alien to me is totally something I wouldn't wish to think about it. Anyway, the seven of us had to be separated, and yes, I got to sit with Honey at the back row, the three other girls in the middle row, and the two guys, at the bottom row. I would say, our seats aren't the furthest, but the nearest to the screen, but it doesn't really matter. It much better than sitting in the first row where your neck will seriously ache.

I guess, no more movies till Honey is back where we'll catch [You Don't Mess With Zohan], which is one of the comedy that I want to watch. I would say, Adam Sandler would be my new idol, or rather, he'd be my favourite actor for comedy.

Back to the topic. My first impression of [Sex and the City] wasn't good as the trailer didn't really attract my attention. Somehow, I do thought of watching it but not that soon. Since quite a few recommends it, I'd give it a try.

It's much better than what I thought. I won't rate the plots, the camera skills nor the director's skills. Since I'm giving praises to this movie. Honey enjoyed it as well, as she says it's like a lesson for couples, somehow, like us. We do have ups and downs, and several time, I thought of giving up because I'm tired of certain things. But no worries, we were back to normal in a couple of days.

It's like in the movie, forgiveness is the thing. We tend to realize something when it's gone. Like how much you love this person, or miss that person. I wouldn't give much details of the movie, because I think most couples could relate it to their personal lives. Like me.

To me, I felt that the movie has a mixed genre. I felt touched, romantic, hilarious, sad and many many things. I wish that certain things in the movie, I could just do with my dearest Baby. Apart from the sex. I want to view apartments with her, where we've decided to live together, and that is if it's possible. I want to go on a Honeymoon with Baby, it's not necessary a romantic ones like the girl planned in the movie. Just a simple two person enjoying ourselves in a country we would want to visit together. Together, I mean a country we both want to go, somewhere we wish to go. Not a country only that I want to go. I don't like it. I just want somewhere we'd both enjoy.

But I hate the cheating part. Baby, please don't learn from that. =x

I would say, I've learnt quite a few of lessons in the movie. I don't mind watching it again.

Super Huge and Strong Wind

It wasn't the first time I'm experiencing such bad weather. It's like a mini typhoon for Singaporeans to experience. Some might thought, how cool it was, but trust me, it's never cool.

I got almost blown away twice around the age of 10-11. And now, I almost got blown away, thank god Honey was right next to me. Somehow, such a mini typhoon might be simply shiok for Singaporeans after the recent summer heat. And they get to like wosh around in the rain with this super huge and strong wind.

Honey and I had to hid behind a pillar in order not to get soaked completely. But still, we're a little drenched. But Honey were much more worst, because she had to make her way down to the bus stop. She forbid me to escort her.

Anyway, I don't like today's weather. It's like my dream. Afraid that Singapore might be flooded one day and everyone is running for their lives. Which I can't even find the people I love, other than Yan Ling. =x That's what my dream shows. But still, hopefully it won't happen again.

What's wrong with the weather lately?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy 21st Birthday & Happy 8th Month

Happy 21st Birthday my dearest. I wouldn't be there to hug you, nor give you a peck on the cheek on the day itself, but I do hope you had enjoyed yourself. Pardon me for not being able to give you the best birthday memories or gifts, but I'll give you all that I can, and that is love.

As we both knew, on your birthday itself, it's our 8th Month Anniversary as well. It falls on Sunday, however, I'm contented to just seeing you through the webcam on this small little window shown on my laptop.

I wouldn't say it's long nor short, but these 8 Months had been totally memorable for you and me. The joy, laughter, tears and sorrow, it all brings us together the way it did 8 months ago.

These 8 months, you gave in to me always. Had to endure naggings from Evil Sister, because I've seem to be pampered well enough, which might have resulted me being spoilt. I might not have given in to you like you did to me, neither have I chased you from behind when you walked away in tears. Baby, I hope you understand that I really do not know how to show my feelings and emotions.

It wasn't easy for the both of us, and I dare say, I didn't give in my 100% for this relationship. Though there might be people who are against me being with you, but no matter what, you're still the one I want to be with.

Memories, we both had and shared, hopefully, in the future we'll have more to come. You've given me far more enough than I could ever accept and receive. However, all I've given you were the emotional and sensitive me.

Baby, have I ever told you that I felt blessed, happy and contented whenever you're with me? It just makes me feel that, 24 hours a day isn't enough. I wish I had more hours, in fact, more time to be with you. I know I had to learn and adapt to your life, where I won't be able to see you for certain days. I'm trying, and I'm learning.

Probably, I had asked you to given me time to adapt and learn, I'm sorry to have asked that much of time in fact. Because, I doesn't seem to be learning nor adapting. If I could turn back time, I wish you had never been to China for 7 weeks.

Those days when you're in China, I didn't know how I manage to survive and bring a smile to my face every day. I just miss you badly that I would find myself crying almost every night.

It just made me realise, how much I love you and wouldn't wish to part with you.

By being with you, I would say I've learnt quite a lot. From not picking on my food, to eating all the grains of rice on my dinner plate, it just made a change in my life. Somehow, I've seem to lost appetite when you're not around me. And I do not know why.

And I've also learnt an important thing in life. And that is, I should learn how to cook in order not to let the both of us starve to death in future, and rid of eating the same food almost everyday.

Ever remember of those days 8 months ago, before we're officially together? Baby, I would say, it's a great blessing to have you with me. In life, we tend to regret certain things, but I won't regret loving you.

Honey, Happy 21st Birthday, and Happy 8th Month Anniversary. Will be waiting patiently for our 1 year. :D

Your Wife,
Your Mouse.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Love Sick

Being love sick is the least I'm looking forward to. I'd get cranky for even just a day without seeing her, Sundays are exceptional. I tried to be just me, finding things to keep myself occupied.

I tried talking to my son, tried to carry him, but he just ignore me like so totally. Helped my sister on Salty, all I get were scoldings, which most probably had dampened my mood for the day.

All in all, I think I should just sleep and never bother what's installed for me.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Our Son

Honey and I got a son of our own. A syrian hamster! It's a male, name Bamm Bamm. We'll be getting a daughter soon, name Pebbles.

Honey loves the cat at the pet shop. We're there to look at things before heading off to look at hamsters. Finally we got the breed Honey likes which I'm fine with it. Though I usually keep normal winter whites, I don't mind trying to keep another breed of hamster.

Our son, Bamm Bamm Soh.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Salty the noisy dog

Is there any solution to keep a dog quiet when you're asleep, be it in the morning or at night? My dog seems to be noisy, that is whenever he's left alone or when he has done his business. Only when his shit stinks the hell out of him, he'll call for you, be it you're awake or not.

He likes to walk over his business, be it urine or shit. And yes, he'll jump on your after that due to excitement. And these causes my skin to itch. I told my mum this, she say he's a dirty dog.

I even said that I want to keep a poodle, because poodle is one of the clever dogs. Mum doesn't believe me. So sad. But anyway, in the future, it's either I keep a poodle or a corgi. That is HDB approved. Honey had decided to name my future poodle, if my sister is getting me one in 1 year, 8 months and 13 days time. Yes, the name of that poodle will be called as Cadbury. Because Honey likes this brand of chocolate. =x

Sad thing is, I don't get to name my dog pebbles.

And if your dog misbehave, take a picture of it and mms to the actual owner. Since I'm part of the family, the dog is somehow mine as well. But it's under my sister's name. So, she's the actual owner, so I had to mms this to show her how good boy he is today. He knew I was taking a picture of the mess, he stopped jumping and stood at that little corner there hoping to be in the picture as well. Clever dog. Other than that, he wouldn't listen to any commands given. =.=

Honey got a new hamster cage, and it's right behind me. Shall take a picture of it soon. It's pink in color, cost around $35 if I'm not wrong. But anyway, we're planning to get hamsters. Not sure of the breed yet, but the gender will be one male one female. So we both will have a son and a daughter. :D

Drew this for Honey. It's not for sale. However, if you want one for decorating your room or living room, or present it as a gift, do feel free to contact me. I might have more canvas painting. :D But I don't guarantee that when you need one, I would have one available.

Anyway, I'm doing another for Honey. I'm so going to make her room into an art gallery, and that is if possible. :D

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Muffins Muffins Muffins

Mickytopia is opening for business. Come come, place your order.

E-mail me at for more details.