Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sex and the City

Rated M18, Honey looked at me from top to toe, as if I don't look like I'm 19. What's wrong? It isn't my first M18 show. I've watch [Super Bad], and another which I can't really remember. But overall, I've watched like less than 5 M18 shows. It doesn't really matter, since I've already watched R21 with you at home. =x

But anyway, watched [Sex and the City] with Honey's ex-polymates. I wouldn't describe the morning to afternoon part of my day, because finding my way in somewhere alien to me is totally something I wouldn't wish to think about it. Anyway, the seven of us had to be separated, and yes, I got to sit with Honey at the back row, the three other girls in the middle row, and the two guys, at the bottom row. I would say, our seats aren't the furthest, but the nearest to the screen, but it doesn't really matter. It much better than sitting in the first row where your neck will seriously ache.

I guess, no more movies till Honey is back where we'll catch [You Don't Mess With Zohan], which is one of the comedy that I want to watch. I would say, Adam Sandler would be my new idol, or rather, he'd be my favourite actor for comedy.

Back to the topic. My first impression of [Sex and the City] wasn't good as the trailer didn't really attract my attention. Somehow, I do thought of watching it but not that soon. Since quite a few recommends it, I'd give it a try.

It's much better than what I thought. I won't rate the plots, the camera skills nor the director's skills. Since I'm giving praises to this movie. Honey enjoyed it as well, as she says it's like a lesson for couples, somehow, like us. We do have ups and downs, and several time, I thought of giving up because I'm tired of certain things. But no worries, we were back to normal in a couple of days.

It's like in the movie, forgiveness is the thing. We tend to realize something when it's gone. Like how much you love this person, or miss that person. I wouldn't give much details of the movie, because I think most couples could relate it to their personal lives. Like me.

To me, I felt that the movie has a mixed genre. I felt touched, romantic, hilarious, sad and many many things. I wish that certain things in the movie, I could just do with my dearest Baby. Apart from the sex. I want to view apartments with her, where we've decided to live together, and that is if it's possible. I want to go on a Honeymoon with Baby, it's not necessary a romantic ones like the girl planned in the movie. Just a simple two person enjoying ourselves in a country we would want to visit together. Together, I mean a country we both want to go, somewhere we wish to go. Not a country only that I want to go. I don't like it. I just want somewhere we'd both enjoy.

But I hate the cheating part. Baby, please don't learn from that. =x

I would say, I've learnt quite a few of lessons in the movie. I don't mind watching it again.

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