Saturday, June 28, 2008

Miss You

This is Bamm Bamm. He likes building castles in the air.

Honey got herself a new camera, Nikon D60. I like it, because I've used it. Though it's heavy, but it's quite good. Took a few photos of the kids and Salty as well. *happy*

So, I don't need a Nikon D40x anymore. So I shall officially take it off my wish list. And yes, that nice black camera, Honey would be sharing it with me without her family knowing. =x

And the gifts Honey gave, I've yet to take pictures of it. Because my sister is around anytime and I don't want to share it with her. Call me selfish, whatever. All are Honey who bought for me, I'm stingy, I don't want to share it with her. She'll gobble all up in no time because it's all chocolate which is from Japan. And there's one box of chocolate that she wants. I don't want it to end up all in her tummy even before I had the chance to eat.

I'm sick now. Down with a cold. Took some vitamin C under Honey's supervision. And yes, watching on my diet now. No chocolate nor fried food. Whatever I want to eat, I've to go through Honey's consent. It's not that I'm afraid of her, it's because she cares about me.

Since I'm sick, I'm not going to expose my chocolates and mochi that flew all the way from Hokkaido. Honey said I've hide my gifts well, because she can't find where they were in the refrigerator. *happy* This shows that I'm good at hiding my stuffs. *happy*

I shall eat them slowly when I recover. Lalalala...

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