Sunday, June 29, 2008

P.S. I Love You

Disappointed with the movie. Bahx . . .

Huge difference between the book. Bahx . . .

The Book:

- Holly lived in a big house, that has a car porch, a front garden and a backyard.

- She had 2 elder brothers, a younger brother and sister.

- Both her parents were around.

- Daniel bought Hogans, the pub that he run.

- The letters from Gerry was delivered all together in a parcel to Holly's parents place.

- Her new job after receiving the 2nd last letter from Gerry, was in a magazine company.

- When Gerry died, he was buried in the grave yard.

- Denise and Sharon announced their happiness at a dinner.

- Holly took part in a singing contest, and was found in the toilet crying not wanting to go up on stage.

- Tom and Daniel were friends.

- Daniel's ex-girl slept with his best friend who is a guy.

- Holly visited the tour agent alone.

- She met another guy that she had a slight feelings for when she bought a large stack of newspaper and lots of chocolates.

- They were suntanning on the beach while they were drifted off by the waves without knowing, and was saved by a group of girls they didn't really like.


The Movie:

- Holly lived in an apartment.

- She had only a younger sister.

- Her father died when she was at the age of 15.

- Daniel worked for Holly's mother.

- The letters were delivered individually through different ways.

- Holly's new job was a shoe designer and had a shop of her own.

- When Gerry died, he was cremated and his remaining were stored in an urn designed by him, or was it by Holly. Where Holly carried it with her everywhere she went.

- Denise and Sharon announced their happiness when they were having their holiday at Ireland.

- She didn't took part in a singing contest, but went up the stage willingly.

- Tom and Daniel were total stranger.

- Daniel's ex-girl slept with his ex-ex-girl.

- Holly visited the tour agent with John.

- She met a guy she that she had a slight feeling at Ireland at a pub.

- They went fishing, and lost their oars thus they can't row back to shore. Was saved by the guy Holly had a slight feeling for.


Overall, I don't really like the movie. I thought it would be similar to the book, like Harry Potter where there isn't much changes. Or maybe, in Harry Potter, that wasn't any changes.

The movie and the book, was of total difference. I don't like. I thought it would be similar or a little changes. No, they doesn't.

It was Gerry's parents that doesn't like Holly. Not Holly's mother dislike Gerry.

And I don't like to see Honey's eyes sparkle at a scene where Holly unbuttoned a few buttons of her clothes, and tie a knot at the bottom of her shirt, where she wore quite a short skirt. Humph!

Honey, you better not watch this movie again. You can only watch PG movies from now. =x

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