Catch a movie today at the usual place. Irritating GV, no student price, except for NUS student I think. The other they have it, now they don't. What policy are they having now?
Anyway, Honey and I caught the movie [You Don't Mess With The Zohan]. The movie was quite interesting and hilarious. Zohan's private part is big because, it's the 'jungle' that is big. His reason for having that 'jungle' is that it gives women a sense of comfy-ness, as it acts as a cushion. Hopefully I didn't remember this wrongly.
It was funny on the way why Zohan named himself after the two dogs that he met on the plane, when he reach New York. And the way he entered Paul Mitchelle's building is damn hilarious. The whole salon were laughing at him, be he took it as no joke.
He found his love, helped restore peace at New York city. And yes, he had a new job as well and it's going on well. You should watch this movie to see how he progresses in his work.
For me, when he kick the bad people, especially when his both legs were up, it's quite fake actually. As Adam Sandler seems to show us that he's standing, and that the pair of feet is somebody's else. Other than that, I think the flaws aren't that obvious other than his big jungle.
Went Bugis, took neo-cards with Honey. And I would say I'm loving it. Honey should know why. We had a bowl of soup together at Bugis, The Soup Spoon. Nice! I like the one I drank today. Don't really know how to spell it, so forget it. If there's a chance, I'll go back there for the soup. Yum Yum.
Honey got me quite a number of presents. Shall show it another day as I've yet to take pictures of it.
Till then, tata~
P.S. I shall save as much as possible, to go on a trip to Hokkaido and have fun! As well as for the hot spring and the blue label thing.
P.S.S. Cheng, actually your mum didn't want to get you any present at all. Honey was the one who convinced her to get you at least something. :D When free? Meet out soon again. Not in a hurry, take your time. Meanwhile, happy busy-ing with your project.
11 Years
Dear Papa, 11 years have passed since you left us. Even after 11 years,
everybody still talks about you like you are still around. Every now and
then, I st...
8 years ago
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