While studying Advertising today, I came to realize sometime ago I've received a phone call, about some shampoo product. I know I should reject the call saying that I'm not interested. But somehow, I felt curious on how this advertising marketing works. As in cold calling as it's different from what I've worked before.
The difference is, they call randomly by checking the huge book they had on the desk. They just randomly pick one number and call and ask lots of questions. You should have seen Honey's jealous face as I'm on the phone for quite a long period of time. Yes, long period of time and I hadn't had the time to entertain her.
So come to think of it, it's so much different from what I've worked before. I called the numbers given to me, knowing where I'm calling to. And that I called to ask about the mailer and if they would want to use the services provided by the company.
The phone call I've received asked me about a lot of shampoo product thing. And being even more curious, I began to wonder which shampoo product company is calling me. It's the Ascience. (Did I spell it correctly?)
Anyway, I remembered the person ask me about the spokesperson they've used. Frankly speaking, I know neither of the spokesperson mentioned. They should use people like S.H.E, Jay Chou, TVXQ/DBSK, Lee Hom etc. At least more people will start using the shampoo product right? As in get someone that we younger generation knows.
OK, maybe the current spokesperson many will know. But people like me, didn't really bother to know who the person is, will never know who the person is. At least like get someone that I know of, maybe I'll try the product. For sure!
Anyway, not that of important. Did thought of trying that product, but lazy to get from the stores available though.
6th Day without Honey, life is totally boring. Today is my dad's birthday. Didn't really prepare anything. Just got some money from mum who sponsored for the cake which I've ordered. Interesting isn't it?
I'm tired.
11 Years
Dear Papa, 11 years have passed since you left us. Even after 11 years,
everybody still talks about you like you are still around. Every now and
then, I st...
8 years ago
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