Monday, June 23, 2008

5th Day Without You

One week of a boring life. Nothing to do other than watching TV, listen to music, study, eat, sleep, look after the animals. What else can I do? Yes, waiting patiently for Honey's return. It's the least I can do for her and for me.

Not feeling well recently. A little sore throat, a little feverish. It's an on and off thing. Sickening! I've drank plenty of water as much as possible, but it doesn't seem to be of any help.

Honey's flight will be tomorrow evening if I'm not wrong. Arriving on Wednesday morning, at around 1am. Hopefully Honey's information to me isn't wrong. I miss her badly that I don't mind staying up and wait for at least a call or sms.

Wasn't feeling at all happy since last night. Shall not dwell into the unhappiness.

Anyway, I want to watch movie. [You Don't Mess With Zohan], I'm waiting! I just want to watch, because Adam Sandler is portraying as an Iraq man I think, and the accent of his change. I like the way he said [No, no, no, no] in the movie. It's just hilarious.

Another movie would be [10 Promises to my dog], and I think my sister would be paying for my expenses for this movie. *happy* See, my sister is this good when her boyfriend isn't around.

She paid of my expenses these days because I've no money left in my wallet. *happy* I didn't want to withdraw money though, because I just don't wish to. It isn't good to keep always withdrawing money, and make it a habit when you're running low on cash isn't it? Somehow on the other, I managed to survive without much money since Honey had left. *happy*

Sigh . . .

In about 2 more days, I'd be able to receive my present from Hokkaido, Japan. *happy*

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