Sunday, June 22, 2008

3rd and 4th Day Without You

I would say, it's the weekend without you here for the 3rd and 4th day. I begin to slack even more, because, IT'S THE WEEKEND where I doesn't have the mood to study at all.

Totally glad that I've returned the library book on time, almost forgotten about the due date which is yesterday. Thank my sister for reminding me as she needs to return the books as well. She paid for my $0.30 fine, which I gladly accepted since she's so nice when her boyfriend isn't around. *happy*

She even paid for my lunch today. *happy*

As promise to Honey, I studied a little today, though I doesn't have the mood to. No worries, I know what I'm reading and I understand so far a little of the whole advertising thing. It's so marketing and advertising that it makes me not want to study it anymore.

Irritating module. Of all, why fail this module? Should fail a module that is so much interesting to read. Modules that I thought I'd failed passed with flying colors and got the grades that I didn't really thought of getting. Modules that I had confidence in, doesn't make it to the top. Shouldn't have given myself so much confidence in the first place. Irritating. This is how life works isn't it?

Been doing something for Honey, self-made. I wouldn't say what it was, because I KNOW HONEY WOULD BE READING. So you'll know it after she returns and had received the gift. And to tell you the truth, because of the handmade gift, I accidentally injured two fingers, wasted a couple of things. And yes, the whole thing still managed to be finished. *happy*

Been watching Romantic Princess yesterday, as in almost the whole day. I know I shouldn't have, but it's tempting to do something other than studying. =x So, Honey, don't scold me for this. I still do study and do some tutorial questions that I had previously. And hopefully I score well this time.


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