Monday, June 16, 2008


I had a bar of Meiji chocolate, uneaten since the visit to the dentist. No worries, the expiry date has yet to arrive. Had just typed 14 messages in Honey's phone for her to read while she's having holiday in Hokkaido, Japan.

And yes, she'll be there for a week. Which means, I've no warmth and hug for that particular week, and most probably, no freedom as well. I had to stay at home, look at my children and grandchildren, as well as to look at the dog that would somehow tries his chance of irritating me. Especially every morning! Grr . . .

But . . . I'll look forward to the following week, where Honey would return with a few of Hokkaido chocolates for me. YumYum~ If it's possible, I would want some mochi from Japan as well. It's not everyday I get chocolates from overseas you know. So I'm really looking forward to the one and only motivation that will keep me going on and study for my supplementary paper.

I've been thinking quite a lot lately. Shall reserve the thought to myself, because I'm selfish, I don't wish to share. But on the other hand, I'll do share if I think I'm ready to spill out the bean. So don't ever ask me anything about my recent thoughts.

Finally, I've finished reading [P.S. I Love You]. I would say the book was awesome.I strongly recommend it. It's one of my favourite book now, apart from Harry Potter series.

I can't wait to watch the movie version of [P.S. I Love You]

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