Bear with me for this long entry. Shall start with the wedding which was yesterday. Woke up early to prepare and accompany my mum to my cousin's place. Apparently, the bride has already left to the groom's house. And so we waited for hours, till around 2pm to 3pm in the afternoon.
Cousin Shu Mei, the bride and Cousin-in-law, Roy Wong. They came back happily, and the serving of tea commenced. Took a few photos, which I'm selfish to share. I would only share the ones I like.
Took a few cakes home that cousin Shu Mei gave me. And yes, off back home to sleep like a log. Woke up by the noise that my family produced, and Salty came trying to get up my mum's bed, which eventually he got chased off with a fierce mother of mine. Bus ride to Yishun wasn't pleasant, traffic jam around the high way. Walked from the bus interchange to Yishun Safra to be greeted by my happy cousin and family. :D
They signed their Wedding Certificate in front of many people. I took a few photos which isn't good. I didn't really get the nice shot of them exchanging ring, and when the groom gave the bride a kiss. Stupid cameraman, block my way and view as always.

Don't they both look happy and compatible? At least I managed to squeeze my way to fight with the photographer for a nice angle. But still, I wasn't satisfied with this.
The bride changed her wedding gown twice that night. I don't really like some of the food there. I took the boxes of chocolates home, and I'm a very happy girl. Dad came back with good news for me, we're going to Thailand. Initially, before we booked out tickets, he came home saying there'll be lucky draw from his company, to see who get to go Taiwan. But sadly, he didn't win that trip. So we're going Thailand. I'm going to get my graduation clothes there. And the heels as well. *happy*

My little cousin wasn't happy, as you can see from the frown. I don't quite remember why, but it has to be something to do with his father. =x
On seeing how much I like photography, mum and dad might get me a Nikon D60. *happy* That is maybe, which wasn't really confirm. Nikon D60 is expensive, plus I'm not sure if they'd be buying for me as in for real. So better not keep my hope high. *Note: I didn't ask for one.
I took my supplementary paper today. I thought I could see Baby after my paper somewhere in my school or at the MRT station. But, when I called her after my paper, she's at AMK MRT station. =.=
Walked around Vivo, but first thing we're there was to find food. We're both hungry. Had Carl's Junior. We shared a burger, and a chilli cheese fries. Quite nice I would say. We complained about the fries, because there's hair. And we got a new box of fries. *happy* But we can't finish the food. *laugh*
Walked around Toys'R'Us before heading off home I guess.
When I'm in Thailand, here's the thing I'll be doing:
- Enjoy my trip to the fullest
- Eat all I can, if possible
- Get my graduation clothes and shoes
- Have at least a bowl of bird's nest
- Take many photos if possible
- Do lots of shopping, be it window shopping or not
- Enjoy the bath tub during my bath *happy*