Monday, July 28, 2008

Not a good weekend spent

I didn't really had a nice and good weekend spent. Including a few days of my weekday, apart from being with Baby. So I shall let my mind think of the upcoming trip to Thailand in around 14 more days. *happy* All though I may get giddy due to the bus ride, I'd still be happy because I've Baby with me to accompany me. Sad thing was, no entertainment for me during the ride.

  • I'll get giddy if I were to read a book
  • I'll get giddy if I were to play NDS/PSP
  • I'll get giddy if I watch Baby play NDS
See, I'm so poor thing. Yes, we're taking bus to Hatt Yai, Thailand. There's no budget airplane that would take us there. So pathetic. What's wrong with those budget airplane? Don't want such a potential customer like me? All though the budget airplane doesn't give me a nice and comfortable ride, but still, I can read a book. *angry*

Anyway, I didn't really had a good weekend and a few weekdays. Apart from last Friday, I quite enjoyed myself. :D

Reasons why I didn't enjoy my weekend and a few weekdays:

  • Sis and her boyfriend occupying the room
  • When they're around, they'll be an obstacle for me and Baby to enjoy our time together. You know, couples need some time to bond. Plus, my relationship, can't do it openly at home, unless no one is at home other than the hamsters and dog.
  • I had to worry a lot of things, and take precautions.
  • I don't get to play with Salty much, although I don't really play with him. =x
  • I'd hear lots of comments that I don't wish to hear
  • Locked out of my room till 1am in the wee hours
Yesterday Salty had his obedience class. Sis's boyfriend tagged along. And Makiko's dog doesn't obey the command given, or maybe the dog doesn't know what the command was when Makiko was trying to teach her. And because of this, sis's boyfriend gave some comments a few hours ago to my sister. People had difficulty in getting their dog to be in a down position, can't blame them. Like the trainer had mentioned, dogs doesn't like to be in the down position, as it makes them feel weak and submissive. Why give so many comments? If he's clever, why not he'll try to help in the first place right? *humph* Angry! Not Makiko's fault. *humph*

OK, not my problem also. But Makiko is friendly. I heard many un-wanted comments. So I shall pretend I didn't hear anything at all.

Accompanied Baby to Bukit Merah again. I waited for 2hours and 30 mins. Thankfully, not 3 hours, if not I sure explode. I tried not be angry, but feel sad, cos I waited for so long. And because of some thing that had happened during our bus ride there, I felt guilty, so I went to get something for Baby. I thought of donut, but the donut there doesn't look attractive. I went to NTUC, but there isn't anything nice. I saw my favourite ice cream, thought of buying. But the queue was so long, so gave the thought up.

And finally, I saw this pig mooncake at a nearby bakery. It's cute and fat, so I bought one for Baby. Hopefully she likes, although she had already eaten the head. =x It comes with pink ribbon tied on the neck. I know Baby likes to eat this, so I got it for her. Although it's not mid-autumn festival, but still, it's the thought that counts. :D

I saw one bolster at NTUC, a Mickey Mouse bolster. Quite soft when I hug it. I thought of showing Baby, but because due to the long wait, I've totally forgotten about that. =.=

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