Salty had his obedience class today. Accompanied sister along although I'm tired. I was curious on how the class will be. I tag along, a little giddy after the ride on the cab. Uncle made many turns before we reach our destination.
We met many kinds of dogs. For Salty's class, there's 3 big dogs, and 3 small dogs. We saw the Husky, the Labrador, and the Golden Retriever for the big ones. And we saw Maltese and the Scottish Terrier for the small ones.
The Maltese is shy. She didn't play with other dogs when there's play time. She's all alone with the owner. She tries to get away from the other dogs as far as possible. And she almost bite Salty when he gets near, because she's scared.
Though Salty is nervous in his own ways, he never fails to try and make friends with other dogs, like this Husky. This Husky almost hum Salty, but thank goodness, the owner carried him away. This Husky's name is Toy. Don't ask me why, the owner just named him Toy.
Scottish Terrier and Salty, they got along quite well. The Scottish Terrier belongs to my sister's senior at the office. The senior's name is Makiko. She's a Japanese.
And during one part where the trainer asked the owners to play with their dogs with toy, Salty grab the Scottish Terrier's toy immediately. Making the terrier doesn't have any toy to play with. Yes, we didn't bring any toy, but we brought treats which comes in handy at a later part.
We've learnt quite a few things. Like trimming the dog's paw, and cleaning of ears. We also learn that by calming our dogs down, it makes it easier to clean their ears. True~
And among the dogs in class, Salty listens to my sister's command. The trainer asked the owners' to command the dogs to sit. None really listen, except for Salty. *happy* At least he behaves well.
A video I recorded. Look out at the way Salty ran away from the big dogs.
# Gain weight. The target weight is 45kg and above.
# Grooming classes. Need to save up for the course fee as well as the grooming equipments.
# Degree. Bachelor in Media Arts or Mass Communications. That is if I have decided to take degree before the grooming classes or change of route.
# Jot down daily expenses and total it up end of the month. It's time to start taking note of my daily expenses so that I won't overspend.
# Include fruits and vegetables in my daily diet. Time for a healthy diet. =D
# Exercise at least once/twice a month. Say hello to cycling around the neighborhood soon.
# Read at least 1 book a month. Any book will do.
11 Years
Dear Papa, 11 years have passed since you left us. Even after 11 years,
everybody still talks about you like you are still around. Every now and
then, I st...
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