Sunday, September 28, 2008

We're expecting the new arrivals of Baby Hamsters

Firstly, people congrat me and Honey please.

We're both expecting the new arrivals of baby syrian hamsters. Yes, we've mated Tubby and Simba together a week ago. And we're expecting baby hamsters by next Thursday. That's fast, I know, but what to do?

Firstly, we noticed she's putting on weight.
Secondly, her nipples seems to be protruding then before.
Thirdly, we suspect she's pregnant.

We checked Pebbles as well, but she didn't had the sign of putting on weight and protruding nipples. So we presume that Tubby is pregnant, and Pebbles isn't. We mated them both together to be exact.

And I wish all the baby hamsters will live. Not a single one eaten in that sense. It's sad to see a few missing baby hamsters. And yes, I've stick some post on my glass sliding door next to my balcony, to take extra precautions and care towards Tubby.

No worries, I'll be giving my attention to the other 3, but more attention to Tubby since she's pregnant. And to prevent her from fighting with Pebbles, I've sent her off to a new home. A nice big tub full of facilities for her, and only her. Lucky girl. When Pebbles was pregnant, I'm still panicking of what to do.

Anyway, let's all wait anxiously for the arrival of the babies. *happy*

Oh yes, finally I've got back my Tiny. Previously, we brought home by accident, Leon, who is the brother of Tiny and they looked exactly alike except for their size. Tiny is safe at home enjoying himself now. *happy*

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