Sunday, September 28, 2008

Poor Uncle Gary Chaw

OK, he's just like 29 this year I think, so he isn't that old. But I don't know why I just called him uncle Gary. =x

Anyway, he's so poor thing. Like many of us should have know by now that he's married. Ya, Micky's greatest shock in her life. It's like he's out in the entertainment industry like not long, and here he's getting married.

I don't know who the bride is though, because I've no idea who she is. =x

I was browsing through, and I came upon this news that stated that his marriage was a shot gun marriage. And that he uses this greatest news to advertise his concert in Taipei. Poor him. Having a good news doesn't mean he's using it to advertise his concert right?

I mean, we all know who Gary Chaw is. And we know he's a great singer and composer. He don't need to use such ways to advertise himself isn't it?

That's why I said poor uncle Gary Chaw.

Related news:

曹格奉子成婚 被疑博宣传
28 September 2008








P.S. OK, if whatever I've typed here is of the wrong information, do tell me. I'm not really that good in my mandarin, so is my english. So yup, pardon me for that. :D

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