Monday, September 29, 2008


Recently, I've fallen in love with books. From photography to videography. And some novels that aren't thick and the words aren't small, and they have to catch my attention to read them.

Previously, I borrowed 2 books. Done with one, and the other was too boring, well for me.

[Don't Tell Me The Truth About Love] by Dan Hodes. The book comes in a short stories form, and I would say some short stories are OK, while some wasn't to my liking. Like the girl trying to dig out the guy's eye because she only had one eye. And yup, he let her dig it because he love her and didn't want her to be sad.

[This Side of Married] by Rachel Pastan. I didn't read finish the first chapter because I got bored after that. I wouldn't say it's a boring book, but it's just that the story of the book just isn't for me.

Borrowed another 2 books. [The ABC's of Love] and [Animal Photography]. Was reading like say, 1/4 of [The ABC's of Love]. So far so good. Wasn't that bad.

I borrowed the [Animal Photography] because I wanted to learn how to take photographs of like say, my hamsters? Because I'm thinking of making a scrapbook solely for my precious hamsters. And yes, Baby will be lending me her Nikon D60 do take photographs. *happy*

I'm off to read my books.

Remind me to return books.

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