Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Great News~

I met the boss of Vocare Media today. Everything went absolutely well I would say. I got the job as assistant videographer/editor. I'll be having my on job training next week by starting as a part-time first.

The boss, aka Sam, told me that since I've to start everything from scratch, he'll give me a try as a part-timer first. And he or the other staff would be teaching me on editing. *happy* He said that it's a tough job. Might have to work OT, or during the weekends. No worries, he'll give me a day off the following if I were to work during the weekends. So it's like OK with me. And he also did warned me about the pros and cons.

And yes, I'll be sacrificing my time with my precious Baby during the weekend at times. Whatever it is, I'm so going to make my way through towards full-time assistant videographer/editor. And I do hope I'll do a good job and finish everything the boss wanted by the time frame given.

I'll be working at 217 Selegie Road. So Evil Sister, you may find me for bean curd break during the lunch period. *hint hint* And Baby, you can drop by for a visit if I were to work OT.

So here's why I'm picked by the boss:

- He says that I sounded sincere in the job yesterday, but I just merely take it as a chat with Jamie, his assistant I presume.

- He says that I'm one of the 2 - 3 shortlisted candidates he has picked.

- And I say, because I do look that I wanted to learn on editing very very much. And yes, because of my answer saying I'll would prefer to work long term, has assured me a place as well. And because I could think creatively, which also assured me a place.

Here's the people I want to thank:

- God, for always be there with me. I prayed, and he answered my prayers. Thank you father, without you, I won't know how I would pull through.

- Baby, for always giving me good luck kisses for this interview and just plainly listening to my weird questions asked when I'm very nervous.

- BB, my daughter, for giving me good luck wishes and some tips on interview.

- Sia, although you wished me good luck today, but still I have to thank you. :D

- Loke, for not handing over the video I've been pestering her for 3 days. Anyway, without the video, I still make it.

- My family, for giving me the pressure of getting a job. =.=

- SGSS sisters, although only Yan Ling wished me luck, I know Cheng would wished me luck as well if she knew I would be having my interview.

- Vocare Media, for giving me this wonderful experience ahead. :D

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