Thursday, September 18, 2008

[17.9.08] Jay Chou rejects the song Hebe presented, Selina cries while filling in the lyrics

[17.9.08] Jay Chou rejects the song Hebe presented, Selina cries while filling in the lyrics

Note: Please credit jastan87 of CEFC for translation of article and do not edit any parts of this article. Please quote this translated article (including this note) in its entirety. Thank you for your co-operation.

[caption] Selina (centre) fills in the lyrics, cried while writing, full of feelings, Hebe (left) and Ella praise her for writing it well.

In the second half of the year, S.H.E and Jay Chou are the target records, but Jay Chou does not mind the ‘battle’, and he even generously wrote songs for S.H.E, he only spent 5 minutes on it and even requested for Selina to fill in the lyrics. In the tears of Selina, they completed the song ‘It’s Quiet Again’.

This time Jay Chou submitted his song and is the lyrics is written by Selina, could it be that he wants to avoid rumours and does not want to involve Hebe who was rumoured to be with him? Selina denied and said that she was the one who initiated the request.

Selina said, Jay Chou even invited her to tour JVR Music as well as the recording studio, she kept saying, “I want to sing a song like ‘Quiet’.” When Jay Chou heard that, he answered, “If I give you a song with the beginning and ending like ‘Quiet’ but the middle is different then wouldn’t it be good!”

Immediately he spent 5 minutes to complete the melody of the middle portion, and even made the Demo on the spot for her to bring along, and said to her, “Lyrics should be written by yourself then there would be feelings.”

Hence Selina immediately burn the midnight oil to battle, unexpectedly she cried while writing it and kept saying, “This piece of work is written with my tears.”

Matilda Tao is pregnant for 6 months, her CTI TV program ‘Undergraduates or not’ have picked Tai Chi Yuen to help host on Fridays, Selina will help host from Mondays to Thursdays.

Last year Selina helped Xiao S to host, this time she even find time to help Matilda Tao during her promotion period, and is labelled as the best relief host for pregnant hosts.

Original Source:,4434,content+110511+112008091700298,00.html

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