Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away

Went over to Honey's place in the afternoon I think, as I've overslept. No one give me morning call, neither did I hear my alarm rang off. So, yes, I went over kind of late. Had lunch there, Honey cooked porridge, with a can of curry and a huge piece of otah that we both like. YumYum~ No more scallops in oyster sauce, cos the stock of it in the fridge ran low.

Anyway, went over to AMK MRT station to deliver stocks to client and Jayne. I asked for ice cream from Jayne, and yes, I got it. *happy* It's the orange flavoured one, it's delicious. Can't remember which brand it was, but yes, Honey would know what I'm referring to.

Took bus home to Honey's place. And it rained, but we're not going home yet. Honey had to get something from a shop nearby. While we're trying to head home without umbrella, the rain got bigger.

While waiting, why not capture something nice? Practise makes perfect. And waiting under the rain with someone you love, it's totally a blessing. Nothing really much these days.

Been seeing Hersheys lately. And with me around, she can't get up on the bed to sleep with us. Poor her, she has to sleep on her cushion. =x And she gave me a nice blue black yesterday as she's excited as usual upon seeing me. Jumping all over me, hoping I'll give her a pat. In the end, a blue black. Nice dog. =.=

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