Thursday, May 8, 2008

He's not a Human

If you're Xiaxue's blog, you get what I mean. The recent post of a father who imprison his daughter, made her a sex slave, where she gave birth to 7 kids. I'm not sure how the kids would call the guy. Father? Grandfather?

The photo of the man, he really looks sinister. He shouldn't have let been let off, he had left a permanent scar on those people whom he had hurt. A poor baby who died after it was born. His granddaughter/daughter, has barely any teeth left and in a critical condition.

I agree to Xiaxue that such person shouldn't be left off. But on the part of cutting off the penis and balls, this, I'm not really sure if I agree with her. But whatever it was, she has her points listed which I fully agree to.

What a guy. And poor Elizabeth. I'm not really good with words, neither am I a good journalist/reporter. Whatever I read comes from other's blog, and I'm just stating what I feel, that's all. No full details of the incident, nor of the report.

Whatever it was, you may goggle it on Josef Fritzl Case. You'll get the details in various sites and blogs.

I've been tagged by Sia, so here goes:

1)At what age do you wish to marry?

2)What you want the most now?
Happiness & World Peace

3)Who is the person you trust the most?
A handful of them, not going to name them

4)Do you think you have enough confidence?
Nope, because I don't

5)If you have a dream to come true, what would it be?
I want all my dreams to come true. (copy Sia)

6)Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Yes, definately :D

7)What is your goal for this year?
To be a good wife :D

8)Do you believe in eternal love?
Yes, if the current one I'm having now is successful

9)if you're allowed to change a thing, just 1 thing in your life, what would it be?
To enjoy life to the fullest

10)What feeling do you love the most?
To be loved

11)What do you most fear?
Quite a number of fears within me

12)What feeling do you hate the most?
The feeling that I hated most

13)Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Yes, I think so

14) Do you believe in love at first sight?
No, because Honey and I don't. =x

15)What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
My family, and that includes my Honey. She's part of my family :D

16)Who do you hope to be always there for you?

17) Which country/countries you wish to visit most?
Taiwan, Paris, Japan

18)Who cares for you the most?
My family and Honey

19)Which date you like the most?
8 Oct, 1 Dec, 21 Feb and 8 June :D

20) How are you feeling right now?
Sleepy and hungry

Instructions: Remove 1 question from above,and add in your personal question,make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list,list them out at the end of this post.Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged.Whoever does the tag will have a blessing from all.

Tagged :
1. Goh
2. Honey
3. Tong
4. Woon Cheng
5. Yan Ling
6 to 8. Anyone who wish to do this

I know this entry would be long, but who cares. There's so many things I really wish to share. Hack it if it's mostly about my daily life. But still, hopefully, within my life there's at least something worth looking back at in future, right?

The Royal Idiotx are planning to meet up, which I don't know when. Most probably end of the year. They suggested in going overseas. And Micky doesn't have the money to. First, Loke said we're going over to Taiwan end of the year. Now, another trip out of the country at the end of the year? How many trips do they want to go? I'm broke. And it also have to depends if I'm allowed to. *hint hint*

I love playing poker with Honey. I'm not sure of what's the name, is it Black Jack? Anyway, I love playing though I'm not really sure of adding the figures up. But still, I've won quite a number of rounds. Honey knows what I'm referring to. :D

I love playing NDS Mario Kart with Honey to. *laughs*

Mother's Day is arriving, got any present for your mum? Or planning to bring her out? Or being a good girl for the day by doing the housework at home? And the list goes on.

I'm doing nothing for my mum. Because I'm not a good girl. But Honey plans to bring my mum out instead. =.= I didn't even give her mum anything, except for a drawing which and hopefully her mum likes it. =x

The results of not working part-time and having not enough cash. Bleahx . . .

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