Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nothing in Particular

CEFC has a pop out window on my birthday itself to wish me. And it's only once. Upon hearing that I wanted 19 times, my dearest daughter, Lix, and Val started flooding my inbox at CEFC. See, that's nice isn't it?

Not to mention, I've received something from one of the member in CEFC as well. Thanks a lot.

Isn't it nice?

I wanted to watch [50 First Dates]. But apparently, my sister and her boyfriend has been 'booking' the television every weekend makes it impossible for me to watch. And so, I'm giving this movie a miss once again. T.T


- Still thinking of how am I going to send the message across to the audience for my TV Production

- I'm thinking visually, yet nothing seems to be out from my little mind

- I'm still waiting for my sister's boyfriend to enter National Service ASAP, so that I won't be locked out during the weekends, which is hopefully.


I thought Christians shouldn't be materialistic, as in not to get used to the things we have here on Earth. I mean, God has done preparing a home for us in heaven, with everything we needed. But I don't think that's what I'm seeing now.

My uncle told me that money isn't everything. What's more important is being good to your family, and be a filial daughter. Which I agree of course.

But what I see from my sister and her boyfriend was of a different thing. They see money as the most important thing. I'm not sure why. My sister wanted her pay to increase, which is of the common thing as to survive and prepare in future use. Her boyfriend chooses commando for National Service instead of Navy, as Marine Engineering pays higher outside than Singapore Navy. Which of course, he thinks it would be better to work outside and earn more.

For my sister earning more means being rich. Can be a tai tai at home. Have a well designed home with expensive furnitures and utensils. Have a good vehicle be it motorbike or a car. It must be a good car and an expensive ones.

Why like that? God doesn't made us to be greedy over such things. He gave what we deserve. He gave us more than we need on earth. He blessed us with everything he could give. But why must we be so materialistic?

For me, I think as long as I've enough money to survive, as in not to let myself and my other half goes hungry, I'm already satisfied. I don't need big house, nice and expensive furniture, nice and expensive cars, not being a tai tai at home. All I want was, a happy family, a cosy small home, a bike for transportation around the neighborhood is actually more than enough for me. But if I were to start a family of my own, maybe I should start thinking of the other alternatives.

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. - 1 Timothy 6:17-19

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have. - Hebrews 13:5

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Jump Jump Jump

Firstly, I thank Father Lord for answering our prayers. Grandaunt has finally returned home after being admitted into the hospital for days. Though I only went to visit her 3 times, but I can see that she's feeling much better when she was first admitted last week.

He was always there when we prayed. He was there to listen to our prayers. He was always there, to drive away our fears and comfort us when we shed our tears.


Secondly, I wish to be just happy everyday.

Thirdly, I'm off to bed. Night.

Monday, February 18, 2008


The alien is cute. The alien is cute. And the alien is cute. I want one too, because it's cute. But I doubt I'll have any.

I'm living well though I'll be eating grass. My girl says even if we really have to eat grass, she'll give me the fattest and juiciest grass she could find. So sweet right?

- Micky has to find a job real soon.
- Micky has to think of what to film for her GP.
- Micky has to solve the problem of her videocam which doesn't seem to be able to detect when connected to her laptop.
- Micky will be 1 year younger than next year in 4 days time.
- Micky has to fiddle with her printer to see if there's any scanner functions.
- Micky has to send in her resume to Knight Frank for job application, though it doesn't quite related to what she's currently studying.
- Micky has to start saving money in order not to let her dearest to eat grass.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Exams are over

Exams are over. Finally! Last paper for yesterday which was on Advertising. Apparently, I read through the notes I had with me. I didn't really study and try to understand and know of all the terms in it. Nothing actually went into my head. I thought why not just read through at least I'll remember some things in it. And yes, that was how I went off for my paper yesterday.

I would say, all 4 papers, I'm not really confident in it. I didn't really study quite hard due to Lunar New Year mood. And now, I'm officially exam-free till my next certificate that I'll be taking.

Spend time with my dearest after my paper, though mood wasn't good for her. In other words, two little girls will be eating grass. So don't date us out. =x In order to contact us, please e-mail Mrs Lee at,

Non important stuff will not be entertained. Mrs Lee Hotline will be on for 24hours, except that there's no guarantee that she'll pick up your calls.

Anyway, I meet up my father in the evening at Compass Point. And I got myself a new phone from starhub! Dad has a $200 voucher which he used it to get a new line for my brother. And I used this opportunity to get the phone I really really want. Though he didn't say much, I know he dote on me.

He almost get me a new handphone pouch for my new phone, and reminded me not to scratch my phone. Which means, he still cares for me. :D

Dad got me a new video camera for my upcoming TV production for my graduation project. Upon hearing that I can't manage to find one in such a short time, and the school doesn't rent out any, he decided to get me one. The one he wanted to buy was out of stock, and thus he got the other of the same brand but of different price.

He said that I have to practice filming and when I'm getting better and has improved, he'll consider getting me a better one as a reward. But. . . I would want to earn and buy a better one for myself when I'm ready.

After having dinner with my dearest, I went home. Not long after, we received a call and headed down to the hospital immediately. Grandaunt condition worsened. And yes, she might leave us anytime. God will bring her home with Him anytime. But still we hope for a miracle as we would want to spend more time with grandaunt.

Many cried, including my cousins who came much later than us. I held back mine, and I don't know why.

Looking at the machine that shows the number of heartbeat scares me out. Normally I see these through dramas, and I've never expected myself to meet one in real life. It is really scary as you'll never know what will happen. The number increases and decreases. It's quite scary when I see the number decreases.

May God Bless her.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Visited grandaunt today upon knowing that she had entered hospital once again, and that her condition isn't good. And she was baptized today at the hospital. The pastor from Aunt's church came with a few friends. Amen.

God Bless my grandaunt, and hopefully miracle will happen. Jesus Christ will always be with grandaunt. Glad to hear that grandaunt has accepted Jesus Christ. And I know where she'll be after life. Heaven, the place where Christians goes to.

But there's always judgement done before entering the gates of Heaven, was what I know. There's different place in Heaven, a place for disobedient Christian, and the heavenly place for the obedient Christian. I'm not sure which category I'll fall into. But I will try and build up my faith as I follow the words of Father Lord.

Many thought that Christians are brain-washers, who goes around chanting Hallelujah and persuading/forcing people to accept Jesus Christ. But they got the misconception of Christians. We don't go around chanting Hallelujah, we don't go around persuading/forcing people to accept Jesus Christ.

We go around sharing the words of gospel, sharing what the Bible has taught us. Sharing with them the miracles of God's wonderful works. We don't force people to accept Jesus Christ, but to tell them what will happened after they have accepted Jesus Christ. We give them the decision to make, we give them the time to think. We don't press them for an answer, it is their own free will to accept Jesus Christ or not.

But of course, when one of our friends or close ones accepted Jesus Christ, we're more than happy as we know where we will be after life and becomes one big family.

God has given us a home up in heaven, with our name on the house, was what I read from [Heaven is so Real], which was translated into many different languages. In heaven, we'll see almost everything, almost the same as what we have on earth. God has gone through quite a lot to prepare what He wanted for His children. He has showered us with love, and hopes we'll spread the love He gave us to people around us.


Exams is ending soon. Real soon, just 3 more papers and I'm done. Though I'm already tired and doesn't have the mood to study, hopefully I'd be able to score well. Went to Vivo after visiting grandaunt at the hospital, bought a set of clothes for my Bear, which she looks cute in. *hugs*

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Headache has come to me when I woke up this morning. I'm still tired, both physically and mentally. I'm too lazy to think back what happened last night/early this morning. I'm too lazy to absorb/recall whatever was said last night/early this morning. I'm just plain lazy to do anything, including studying Public Relations which the examination was on this coming Monday.

I thought of giving up whatever I had now. I thought of just trying to ignore everything and escape from the reality. I thought of just sleep throughout the whole morning till late afternoon, and not doing anything else other than eat and sleep.

I think I should have done some self reflection. I think I should have change myself in many many ways. I think I should have not started what I have started in the first place. I think I should have end it all, but still I didn't wish to. All in all, I don't know what I'm saying, neither do I know what I really want. Micky is still in a sleepy mood, my brain has yet to refresh and absorb whatever has already happened.

I'm never a good daughter, neither can I be a good girlfriend/wife. I'm never a good student, neither can I top the class with good results. I'm never good in sports as I'm always falling sick when I was young, resulting having long term MC for Physical Education since Primary One till Secondary Two. I'm always never good in anything, other than eat and sleep.

I can't be the good daughter my parents wanted. Neither can I be a good girlfriend/wife my girl wanted. I might have screwed up certain things in my life, but I will never know where it was screwed up.

I ought to change myself in so many ways and I really should.

不得不爱 - Wilbur Pan


i love you
i love you
i love you
i love you
i love you

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Habit Of A Daily Quiet Time (4)

How To Begin A Daily Quiet Time?

1. Select a specific time.

The best time to have a quiet time is when I am at my best.
Select a time you are the most alert.

It demonstrates that meeting with God is your first priority. You are giving God the best part of your day. You are likely to be more rested, your mind is less cluttered, and it is often the quietest time.

Whatever time you set, be consistent.
How long should a quiet time be? There are three guidelines:

a. Start with 15minutes and let it grow.
b. Don't keep watching the clock.
c. Emphasize quality, not quantity.

2. Choose a quiet place.

Luke 22:39 (GNB)
Jesus left the city and went, as He usually did, to the Mount of Olives . . . to pray.

Mark 1:35
Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.

3. Gather the resources you will need.

a. A Bible with readable print and a translation you can understand.
b. A notebook to write down what the Lord speaks to you about, and keep your prayer list.
c. A songbook, guitar or CD player to help you in your praise and worship.

4. Beginning with the right attitude

a. Reverence

Ps. 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God . . .

b. Expectancy

Ps. 119:18 (TLB)
Open my eyes to see wonderful things in Your Word.

c. Willingness to obey.

John 7:17 (GNB)
Whoever is willing to do what God wants will know . . .

5. Follow a simple plan.

A simple 15-minute plan to help you get started in your quiet time:

a. Relax
Be still and quiet. Slow down. Prepare your heart. Take a few deep breaths and wait on God. Sing a song of praise or worship.

b. Read
Begin reading the Bible where you left off the day before. Read until you feel God has told you something. Then stop and think about it.

c. Reflect
Think about what the passage means to your life. Write down your thoughts. You may want to write out a verse that speaks to you in a special way and commit it to memory.

d. Record
Write out a personal application statement that is personal, practical, and measurable.

If I can't say it out or write it down, I haven't really thought it through.

e. Request
Conclude your quiet time by talking to God about what He has shown you. Ask Him by faith for the items on your prayer list.

Good Luck Chuck

Rated 21. Charlie aka Chuck, was a good luck charm to all women as after making love with them, the women managed to find their true love and get married soon after. Due to this, Charlie was afraid of making love with the girl he loves. Thus he tried all ways to be with the girl he loves.

The plot was alright. Don't really like the part where there's lots of small squares of different scenes in one big screen. Other than that, the movie was alright.

Camera Skills : 3 out of 5
Director's Skills : 4 out of 5
Plot : 3.5 out of 5
Overall : 3.5 out of 5