Sunday, February 10, 2008


Headache has come to me when I woke up this morning. I'm still tired, both physically and mentally. I'm too lazy to think back what happened last night/early this morning. I'm too lazy to absorb/recall whatever was said last night/early this morning. I'm just plain lazy to do anything, including studying Public Relations which the examination was on this coming Monday.

I thought of giving up whatever I had now. I thought of just trying to ignore everything and escape from the reality. I thought of just sleep throughout the whole morning till late afternoon, and not doing anything else other than eat and sleep.

I think I should have done some self reflection. I think I should have change myself in many many ways. I think I should have not started what I have started in the first place. I think I should have end it all, but still I didn't wish to. All in all, I don't know what I'm saying, neither do I know what I really want. Micky is still in a sleepy mood, my brain has yet to refresh and absorb whatever has already happened.

I'm never a good daughter, neither can I be a good girlfriend/wife. I'm never a good student, neither can I top the class with good results. I'm never good in sports as I'm always falling sick when I was young, resulting having long term MC for Physical Education since Primary One till Secondary Two. I'm always never good in anything, other than eat and sleep.

I can't be the good daughter my parents wanted. Neither can I be a good girlfriend/wife my girl wanted. I might have screwed up certain things in my life, but I will never know where it was screwed up.

I ought to change myself in so many ways and I really should.

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