Visited grandaunt today upon knowing that she had entered hospital once again, and that her condition isn't good. And she was baptized today at the hospital. The pastor from Aunt's church came with a few friends. Amen.
God Bless my grandaunt, and hopefully miracle will happen. Jesus Christ will always be with grandaunt. Glad to hear that grandaunt has accepted Jesus Christ. And I know where she'll be after life. Heaven, the place where Christians goes to.
But there's always judgement done before entering the gates of Heaven, was what I know. There's different place in Heaven, a place for disobedient Christian, and the heavenly place for the obedient Christian. I'm not sure which category I'll fall into. But I will try and build up my faith as I follow the words of Father Lord.
Many thought that Christians are brain-washers, who goes around chanting Hallelujah and persuading/forcing people to accept Jesus Christ. But they got the misconception of Christians. We don't go around chanting Hallelujah, we don't go around persuading/forcing people to accept Jesus Christ.
We go around sharing the words of gospel, sharing what the Bible has taught us. Sharing with them the miracles of God's wonderful works. We don't force people to accept Jesus Christ, but to tell them what will happened after they have accepted Jesus Christ. We give them the decision to make, we give them the time to think. We don't press them for an answer, it is their own free will to accept Jesus Christ or not.
But of course, when one of our friends or close ones accepted Jesus Christ, we're more than happy as we know where we will be after life and becomes one big family.
God has given us a home up in heaven, with our name on the house, was what I read from [Heaven is so Real], which was translated into many different languages. In heaven, we'll see almost everything, almost the same as what we have on earth. God has gone through quite a lot to prepare what He wanted for His children. He has showered us with love, and hopes we'll spread the love He gave us to people around us.
Exams is ending soon. Real soon, just 3 more papers and I'm done. Though I'm already tired and doesn't have the mood to study, hopefully I'd be able to score well. Went to Vivo after visiting grandaunt at the hospital, bought a set of clothes for my Bear, which she looks cute in. *hugs*
11 Years
Dear Papa, 11 years have passed since you left us. Even after 11 years,
everybody still talks about you like you are still around. Every now and
then, I st...
8 years ago
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