Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Habit Of A Daily Quiet Time (4)

How To Begin A Daily Quiet Time?

1. Select a specific time.

The best time to have a quiet time is when I am at my best.
Select a time you are the most alert.

It demonstrates that meeting with God is your first priority. You are giving God the best part of your day. You are likely to be more rested, your mind is less cluttered, and it is often the quietest time.

Whatever time you set, be consistent.
How long should a quiet time be? There are three guidelines:

a. Start with 15minutes and let it grow.
b. Don't keep watching the clock.
c. Emphasize quality, not quantity.

2. Choose a quiet place.

Luke 22:39 (GNB)
Jesus left the city and went, as He usually did, to the Mount of Olives . . . to pray.

Mark 1:35
Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.

3. Gather the resources you will need.

a. A Bible with readable print and a translation you can understand.
b. A notebook to write down what the Lord speaks to you about, and keep your prayer list.
c. A songbook, guitar or CD player to help you in your praise and worship.

4. Beginning with the right attitude

a. Reverence

Ps. 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God . . .

b. Expectancy

Ps. 119:18 (TLB)
Open my eyes to see wonderful things in Your Word.

c. Willingness to obey.

John 7:17 (GNB)
Whoever is willing to do what God wants will know . . .

5. Follow a simple plan.

A simple 15-minute plan to help you get started in your quiet time:

a. Relax
Be still and quiet. Slow down. Prepare your heart. Take a few deep breaths and wait on God. Sing a song of praise or worship.

b. Read
Begin reading the Bible where you left off the day before. Read until you feel God has told you something. Then stop and think about it.

c. Reflect
Think about what the passage means to your life. Write down your thoughts. You may want to write out a verse that speaks to you in a special way and commit it to memory.

d. Record
Write out a personal application statement that is personal, practical, and measurable.

If I can't say it out or write it down, I haven't really thought it through.

e. Request
Conclude your quiet time by talking to God about what He has shown you. Ask Him by faith for the items on your prayer list.

Good Luck Chuck

Rated 21. Charlie aka Chuck, was a good luck charm to all women as after making love with them, the women managed to find their true love and get married soon after. Due to this, Charlie was afraid of making love with the girl he loves. Thus he tried all ways to be with the girl he loves.

The plot was alright. Don't really like the part where there's lots of small squares of different scenes in one big screen. Other than that, the movie was alright.

Camera Skills : 3 out of 5
Director's Skills : 4 out of 5
Plot : 3.5 out of 5
Overall : 3.5 out of 5

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