Monday, January 28, 2008

The Habit Of A Daily Quiet Time (3)

The Purpose Of A Daily Quiet Time

1. To give devotion to God.

Ps. 29:2
Give unto the LORD the glory due to His name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.

2 Chr. 31:21 (GNB)
(Hezekiah) was successful, because everything he did . . . he did in a spirit of complete loyalty and devotion to his God.

God deserves our devotion (Rev. 4:11).
God desires our devotion (John 4:23).

2. To get direction from God.

Ps. 25:4-5
Show me Your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me . . .

Two things to do in a quiet time:

a. Consider your way

Prov. 4:26
Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be establish.

Prov. 3:6
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

b. Commit your day

Ps. 37:5
Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.

3. To gain delight in God.

Ps. 37:4
Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.

Ps. 16:11
You will show me the path of life; in Your presence in fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

The fact is, the better I get to know Christ, the more I love Him.

The objective of your quiet time is not to study about Christ, but to actually spend time with Him. That is the difference between a quiet time and attending Bible study:

a. Quiet time is spending time with God.
b. Bible study is learning more about God.

4. To grow daily like God.

2 Pet. 1:3-4 (TLB)
For as you know Him better, (God) will give you, through his great power, everything you need for living a truly good life . . . (He has given) the promise to save us . . . and to give us His own character!

Acts 4:13
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John . . . they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.

Le Grand Chef

Sung Chang, since young started learning how to be a chef. After an incident, he lost his confidence. A competition was held, to find the heir of the Royal Chef's Knife. Sung Chang's rival tried all ways to win the competition just to prove that he is the rightful owner and heir of the Royal Chef's Knife. Picking up his courage, Sung Chang took part in the competition with the support from his friends.

Camera Skills : 3.5 out of 5
Director's Skills : 4.5 out of 5
Plot : 4 out of 5
Overall : 4.5 out of 5

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