Friday, December 18, 2009

No Inspiration To Blog

I have no inspiration to blog lately. I don't know what I want to share, neither do I know what I want to say. Only know that I have been quite emotional lately every since I've resigned. Now I am thinking which route to take. Continue in the pet's line or move on to something that is related to my diploma with a higher paying salary.

Whatever route I take in the end, wish me luck. =D

Been quite busy with some stuff lately. Ask me what is it, and I'll tell you. =x

I'm busy with . . .

  • Sitting at home in AMK, waiting for supplier to arrive and play with Hersheys.
  • Sitting at home in SK, doing practically nothing.
  • At times I'll read up on internet marketing.
  • Observe the kids since I haven been playing with them ever since I've started working. Kind of guilty.
  • Meet up some customers when the wife is unable to.
Not so busy right I guess?

I have always thought 太太 life is great. But ever since I started working, I compared working life and the current 太太 life I am having now. One word for 太太 life, boring! Nothing to do! Most friends are either working or studying and they have no time to meet up. Then I am stuck at home 24/7. And mostly I'm doing nothing.

Time to study on PR.
I want to re-study everything that I've learnt in school before I make a decision in moving into something related to Mass Communications. I want higher moolah to support the kids and the wife. =D

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