If you notice, I have not been talking much today lately and ignoring sms-es and MSN chats. I am not having a good day to start off with when I woke up.
Had an argument with the wife and had lost 2 bucks on the streets.
Not really in a good mood to talk. Been crying almost the whole afternoon till now and I don't know what I want to do next.
If you asked me which is the worst, the argument or the lost of 2 bucks? I would say with the wife. Why? For the past 2 years plus in the relationship, what she said today hurt me more than the previous arguments we had. Sorry for ignoring you honey, but I just want to be alone for now.
I don't know what I want, I don't know what I want to do. Just doing things aimlessly today.
11 Years
Dear Papa, 11 years have passed since you left us. Even after 11 years,
everybody still talks about you like you are still around. Every now and
then, I st...
8 years ago
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