Saturday, September 12, 2009

Random Thoughts

You know that you have grown up when you take a look of photos of yourself and friends many years ago. Not to mention reminiscing the foolish things you have done. And when you grew as the years came by, you would have realized that your thinking is so much different than many years back.

When we were kids, we didn't have to worry about financial, relationship etc. kind of problems. All we do were play and enjoy ourselves. Then as I sit in front of my laptop typing this out, I find that time really flies.

Now that I am in my 20s, I am beginning to worry about my own future. I begin to think and plan. You know as you age, there are many things you need to worry about. And if you ask me what I am worried about, I would say I am worried about not being able to make it to the finishing line as I have planned to.

Anyway, the drowsiness of the medicine is kicking in. =D

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