Monday, September 14, 2009


When everyone was busy doing their things, planning for their future, I sit down and think what I really want in life. Friends of all ages begin in their new phase of life, be it in a new career, starting a family, in a new relationship etc. all I have was sitting down and think what is the next step I want to take.

I don't want to stay as a Retail Assistant forever. I want to make full good use of what I have learnt and what I want to do. As I grow each day, I had the thought that I don't want to waste my time doing nothing. I want to do something and that I have to find what is the next serious step I should take.

Yes, I still want to attend grooming lesson. And I am waiting for the day to arrive. But on the other hand, I don't want to just wait. I want to go out there and work hard and save up that money and proudly says that I have made an achievement. It isn't that hard, but the hardest part is taking the first step.

I am now trying to make a plan, or rather more than one of my future. And every plan I made, my wife is included in it. =D

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