Saturday, June 6, 2009


You know being at work is so much tiring than being at school. Now how I know why many working adults misses school so much. I want to go back to school as soon as possible.

Anyway, I have just realized that the grooming school that I might want to apply for, the course is only 2 months. How interesting.

Work was alright. Getting the hang of doing cashiering with lesser help. Nothing in particular actually. I am planning my time for next week so that I can be a good mother as well as enjoying my own time. =D

Oh yes.
My mum is so thoughtful that she kept one bottle of green tea for me. Because we both knows my sister will drink finish the green tea and 100plus that she bought within days together with her gigglo, we hide our drinks somewhere at home.

Haha . . .

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