Thursday, June 4, 2009

So Much to Do, So Little Time

I have so much to do on my list but there is so little time. Working in retail line will be my last resort in future. And I mean it. I can't take it to have one day off per week because I have so much to do. Basically here's the list:

  • Change bedding for the kids.
  • Refill new food/mix new food for the kids.
  • Take extra care for Squeaky.
  • Make sure the kids are well fed before and after work.
  • Update blog.
  • Help out the wife in her MO business.
And the list goes on. Everyday the timing for my shift isn't fix and they bloody hell won't tell you if the schedule has been edited/changed. So you just have to check EVERY SINGLE DAY. Sickening right? I just got to know I am working morning on the Friday and Saturday. =.=

Anyway, retail line is stress too. Here's why from my perspective:

  • Make sure you key in the right product.
  • Make sure you key in the right amount and right amount of change given.
  • Know what's on promotion or on discounts.
  • Know what's to give for free for specific items bought.
  • Basic knowledge in every perspective area. (I still need to red up more on cats)
  • Cycle count gives us a big headache as we need to search for the right item before updating.
  • Updating PO can make your eyes goes blur after doing it for a long period of time.
And the list goes on.

I do not have enough sleep last night and thus was a bit blur today. Sigh . . .
I need to buck up. If I want to leave PLC, I need to say goodbye to them before they say goodbye to me. =(

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