Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pregnant Kit

Photobucket I found when I am having my break yesterday at the Basement 1 toilet. I wonder who is the one that is using this pregnant kit. Hmm . . .

Work was so far good. I enjoyed working with Rae. =D
She's the only one that will talk to me much, but the sad part was she's not working always. I don't think she's a full-timer. Oh well. Guess I have to endure that sickening guy then.

I got really tired last night while working. Think I need to get a new pair of comfortable shoes since part of the soles of the current shoe I am wearing is wearing off. Sigh . . . It will be full 2 years of not buying any new shoes in a few months time. So should I get one? Or maybe I'll ask my wife to lend me some. Weee . . .

Anyway, it's Vesak day today.
Happy Vesak Day. Although it's not a public holiday since it's a Saturday, but hopefully you're all enjoying this day.

I'm off to prepare for work. Tata.

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