Sunday, May 10, 2009

Adopted Kid

Photobucket People, say hi to my new kid. =D

I got the wife and myself a new kid. I adopted it from a customer that walks in just to ask if we take in hamsters. And seeing that this poor guy here will be left with no home soon, I decided to take him in. Although I shouldn't, but the pet consultant just let me. =x

And because of this little fellow, another friendly customer made friend with me and I have her contacts. Woohoo. =D Can say it's my happiest day at work although the whole day sucks.

The cashier short of $18, and the 3 of us have to pay $6 each to put it back. I see $6 fly off just like that. And the sickening thing is, the male colleague thinks it's my fault since I'm new. He say I might have given the wrong change to customer. =.=
And he suggest to me that try not to touch the cashier during the weekends. OK lohx, newbie always get the blame.

Like what the wife says, tolerate, he's leaving soon. From what I heard he's leaving. And he better does. Humph.

People might be wondering why I took up this low paying job. It's simple. The wife's burden is heavy and I just need that cash. I'm cash deprive. I need cash to get the wife something for her birthday (although I already did, but I feel that it's not enough).

Anyway, wish my next few months with PLC will be a better and enjoyable one. =D

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