Saturday, April 18, 2009

This Is What I feel

I feel that I don't belong to this house anymore. The reason is very simple, I shall list it in point form.

  • I have a bedroom shared with my elder sister. But ever since she got a boyfriend, took out the long stretch of study table and replaced with ONE study table from Ikea, I feel that I don't have a bedroom after all. It is as though I need a shelter to keep dry during the rainy days, a place to sleep in. Every day, when that fucking molester is at home during the day especially weekday, I don't get to use my bedroom. I need to knock my room to enter. You tell me, why is there such a thing for owner to knock in order to enter his/her own room? Hello! He is considered as a guest, a visitor. Not the owner. Sucker.
  • I have to the laundry (although it's just washing), but I still feel that I shouldn't because the lazy ass, referring to my sister and her boyfriend, always accumulate one week's of clothing before dumping it into the washing machine. So what if we got a new and bigger washing machine? It doesn't mean we can overload it!
  • I always gets locked out of my room during the night. I need to either knock or use my key to enter. I have an aircon to enjoy during warm weathers, but no I don't. They are always using it almost everyday for hours and hours with the door locked. And I have this mentality since young, an hour a day if I were to use aircon. And so . . . Because of my an hour a day, I didn't switch on during the warm weathers.
I know I might be ranting and repeating whatever I had said all over again. But I just don't feel happy the way they treated my mum as a maid. She cooked meals for them, wash their dishes, make sure they have enough food and do laundry for them. She never complains but I can see she's tired. The best part was, with a high salary of hers, my sister asked to borrow money from my mother. Have you seen such a daughter?

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