Saturday, April 18, 2009

Prawn Fishing

I shall skip the part where I met my sisters up for dinner at Subway on Wednesday. I skipped the part doesn't mean I don't enjoy my day with them.

Girls, thanks. =D
The presents I've received was nice and great. Will put it to good use. =D

Then, I shall skip the part where I had dinner with Jun, Tong and the wife at Beach Road's Army Market. I skipped the part doesn't mean I don't enjoy my day with them.

Girls, thanks. =D
Dinner was great. When will we have another? A real 'zi char' next?

OK. Time for the main entry for this week. I went prawn fishing with Jun and the wife on Friday's night for 3 long hours. It was fun~ Although I had my first prawn fishing experience sometime 2 years back, but I kind of forgotten how to really prawn fish them. And so, I had to learn from the basics again.

I had my try at prawn fishing again and it was fun although the waiting part was rather a boring one. There's a few little fishes swimming in the pond which makes me feel like catching one home. We had to look at the float if it sinks means we had a a prawn on the bait. The wife taught me how, but I was rather stupid doing so. But nevertheless, I managed to catch at least 3 prawns for the night.

But . . .

The way Micky prawn fish was rather dangerous. She had two flying prawns when she's trying to get them up to unhook. One literally flew and landed on the floor unhooked by itself. The second one flew, but with the bait still hooked onto it.

However that wasn't the main point.
The main point was, THE WIFE LET GO OF THE BASKET full of prawns that we caught back into the pond by accident. It sink down into the pond but the string on the basket still can be seen. And so the wife and I tried to rescue our basket back. We thought we would have lost all of our catch for the day, but thankfully they're still in it. *phew*

OK, here's the funny part.
While rescuing the sinking basket, our bait is in the pond too. We used the rod to hook up the basket. So while trying to hook up, we moved our rod here and there. Jun who was next to us watching, saw that we had a prawn caught on our hook and she even explained how the poor fella was.

I was looking at you both trying to rescue the sinking basket, then I saw a prawn on the bait being swing from left to right vigorously in the pond by the both of you. Poor prawn.

We do have a blessing in disguise.

The food there was quite nice. I like the satay's meat. But I believe I had nicer satay before, I think. The fries was nice. I like the taste of it that goes with the sauce given. Yummy~

We caught a roughly 20 prawns for the night. Brought home, cooked it this afternoon and it was delicious. Damn fresh~ The wife says she wants another prawn fishing outing again. And so we shall have. Not sure when.

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