Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Job/Things to be done

I found myself another job under retail fulltime. The pay was pathetic, but now I am working for that money. So how long I will be with this company, I'm not so sure too myself.

There's incentives and commission. There's medical expenses per year. So far so good. I just took it, and we'll see how thing goes. If you want to know more, just buzz me on MSN. =D


  • Pack the balcony (1/5 Done)
  • Arranged the kids things/stuffs nicely (1/10 Done)
  • Throw away unwanted things that has been lying around
  • Re-arrange the cages/tanks on the tables/shelves
  • Filed out the rust on my bicycle then polish it with rust remover/metal polish (1/4 Done. Need to buy new tube of metal polish/rust remover)
  • Finish reading up my book that has been lying around for ages (Done)
I've finished reading the book, [Bad dog's diary: Blake's progress]. A nice book I will say. I'll give a short review another day. For now, I need to do up the kids stuff and finding a place that makes a set of keys cheap. Any recommendation?

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