Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bad Dog's Diary: Blake's Progress Finally I am done reading this book after many months. Now I can aim to get the other books that I am aiming to get. Woots~

Bad's Dog Diary is mainly about this dog name, Blake. He came up with all sorts of ideas to get his friends out to the shed so they could explore the streets at night. Blake and his friends got together to form a group to save a very sick looking dog, Lolly, who was being ill treated by her master.

The book also talk about how he tries to get his mate, Ella, pregnant during her season period. And after many failed attempts, he managed to during his owner's absence at the hospital with his wife.

The whole story tells how he from a top dog of the park, became a beta and had a new nick name to go with.

A worth to read book if you're interested in the animal kingdom. I like this kind of book where the author puts himself in the shoe of a dog to write out the diary. I thought it was nice because when we do have a pet, we wouldn't know what they will be thinking. So I thought by getting creative and imaginative, maybe we could just guess what's on their mind.

OK, time to put this book up on the shelve. Woohoo...

People, it's Friday tomorrow! If you understand what I mean. It's Labour Day people, the public holiday for the month is here. Woohoo...

OK, now I'm waiting for dumpling day instead. Haha . . .

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