Sunday, March 29, 2009

Production Assistant

I got a call from Hoods Inc. Production, and guess what?


I'll be a Production Assistant as an intern. So what if I am an intern? I'm there to learn first, get the experience then I will decide if I want to move on in this area. Although I had the thought that Production Assistant (PA) isn't the kind of job I am looking for, but I keep telling myself that it is the first step to learn more on production. I keep telling myself that if I want to carve out my career, I must accept and learn from the very basics, and so PA is my choice.

I am quite excited yet nervous. I won't know what I will be looking forward to tomorrow and what kind of job I'm given. But I believe that even just washing the toilet, cleaning the production house, buying breakfast in the morning for the production crew/team is just part of the experience. People might look at it as a 'sai kang' but well, actually I do thought so. But it's OK. I'll take it as a preparation to be a good housewife in future.

The wife is reminding me to be a sponge. Learn everything, work fast. In areas that I am not sure of, ask. The person that interviewed me the other day reminded me, if I've any problem in work, just speak to her. If any areas I don't know or finished with the task given, tell her or I can't remember who, just don't tell the intern.

One thing I will say is that, my family isn't happy about the job. =x
But I shall ignore it. Tomorrow will be a better day.

OK, what shall I wear tomorrow?
T-shirt and shorts? T-shirt and bermudas? How about shoe or slipper? Hmm . . . Any ideas?

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