Friday, March 27, 2009

My Interview

Photobucket I had my interview today with Hoods Inc. Production at 11am in the morning. I can say I got up real early to prepare. I called the wife to wake up. I dragged myself up. I packed my bag for what is needed, bathe changed and ready to go.

At first when I searched for the location, I got was River Valley, and my first thought was where the hell this place is. I continued to search for the nearest MRT station or what bus I can get to my destination. Then I realized it is only walking distance from Somerset MRT station. When I looked at the map, it looks kind of far, but when I had the actual walk to the place it is actually quite near.

I reached the place, a little confused because around the place was condo or some private housing/terraces. Then I saw one uncle that is doing delivery, I went up to him. Thank goodness he said I was at the right place and he helped me with the buzzer thing. He even tell me where the unit was. Haha. Friendly and helpful uncle. Where can you find such uncle these days?

They had this home office kind of style. If I am not wrong, they have two dogs locked upstairs in the office. Didn't get to meet them though. Curious to know what breed the dogs were, but kind of forgot to ask. =x

The interview went well, I can. The first question I am prepared, really prepared for now. She asked me to describe myself. I know I sucks at replying this questions and thus prepared myself last night and this early morning. And I can say for this question, today is my best answer! Haha . . .
Then she asked me what do I think of the company. Uh-oh. The website of theirs only showed me the logo and the contact/address. I really didn't know what they are doing other than production. I thought maybe commercials/advertisements. But haha . . . Micky is observant for today. I saw the poster they had along the hallway, took a glimpse of it and I managed to answer in the most predictable ways. =x

She told me more on the job etc. And how many they had released off for the past few weeks due to different working style, or the job is not what the interns are looking for. And by the way, I applied for internship instead. You know, gaining experience for me now is important. haha . . .

Anyway, the whole interview I can saw was a positive one. She asked me will I be available for the past few months because if I am shortlisted I am supposed to report to work soon. I told her I am going for a wedding this coming May at Malaysia. Woohoo . . .

I even shared with her that I might want to take up part-time degree and she said not to worry about the timing etc. She say just tell her when I won't be available if I managed to get a place for a degree. Woohoo . . .

So happy can. I've never been this happy after an interview. Weee . . .
I rewarded myself with Mac Lunch today. Haha . . .

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