Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Job Interview Experience

Previously like a few days ago I was chatting with Goh, or rather reading all that she had typed on MSN. She came to ask me about my job interview experience, then it came to me like what's my job interview experience like. So I've decided to like share all the failed job interview experiences I had and what I had learned from it.

Note, this is not tips on job interview.

  • Being punctual is a must. Like everyone said, it's always the first impression you give when being punctual. So ignore your interviewers if they are the one late.
  • Hand shakes is very important especially the way you hand shake with your interviewer. I learned it during school, can't remember if it's in which module thought. You know, hand shakes have meaning.
  • Looking neat and confident is a must. But then sometimes you just can't hide your nervous part of you. That happens to me during my first job interview that I went. But whatever, at least I have sort of learning to control my nervous self.
  • The wife always reminds me to smile and talk more because it is an added point. OK, but then I still don't see any points added for me. I gave them my million dollar smile. Sometimes by smiling too much, the jaw will kind of ache though. Haha . . .
  • Always prepare documents ready. You know there's once I went for job interview and they asked for my passport size photo? Ya, I forgot to bring one with me, the one and only passport size photo I had. And there goes, a bad remark.
  • What I learned through the hard way was, after the whole interview when they said they'll call you back if you're shortlisted blahx blahx blahx. Higher chance is that you don't make it. So just forget about the job interview and move on for more job hunting and sending of resume. Even if they do call you, and said they'll hire you as a part-timer first. Don't be too happy because they won't ask you down for work. It happens to me you know. They might show you the office, the team members etc. etc. But you are still at home shaking leg. =.=
But of course there are more things that I have learnt during my job interviews. Like don't pin my hope too high.
OK, that's roughly what I have learned.

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