Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hotel for Dogs

Photobucket Today when I was about to go out to meet the wife, this silly fellow didn't allow me to. He blocked the entrance. =.= But nevermind, I still manage to in my own ways.

Photobucket We went to P.S, straight off towards the cinema to get movie tickets. 3:40pm time slot the seats left the first 3 rows thus we don't want. We took the 6pm slot. Can't use the $8 voucher. :(

After getting the tickets, we went to Daiso for a walk. Got myself a new mouse pad! See, my mouse pad nice right? Two donuts and a cup of coffee as the picture. Sure hungry everyday.

Had Carl's Junior for dinner. Yummy~ the wife got me my bottle of starfruit drink, we're off towards the cinema. So excited! I've been waiting for this movie for so so so long.

Hotel for Dogs is a nice movie!
Dogs/animal lover sure will love it. To me, quite touching, but not as touching as Marley and Me. If I am not wrong, the wife sitting next to me did cry right?

It's about two kids who found this abandoned hotel with the help of their dog, Friday. So cute! I like Friday. So clever. He knows how to wriggle out of the collar. Haha . . .
The two kids with the help of their friends rescued dogs and they turned the abandoned hotel into some sort of dog's hotel and a little of theme park. There's things to entertain the dogs while they were not around.

I won't go into details.
Catch it if you're interested to know more. It's a worth it movie!

I got back, and I packed the table. Plug in the extra 15" LCD monitor to my laptop. Now I have double screens to look at. Haha . . . But need some adjusting. :(

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