Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Running with Dog

http://www.livenews.com.au/static/articles/55249/F_0_dog_running_g_320.jpg Running with my dog is seriously a tiring yet enjoyable experience. My first time putting on my running shoes and I am off for a short run with him. The main motive of running is to let him do his big business quickly. And it works.

Running with Salty is equivalent to him pulling me to run instead. Having not doing any exercise for the past three years, I can say even a short distance has already making me worn out. I seriously need to exercise to make myself famish so that I can eat more than usual. And hopefully other than exercising, my sinful diet works.

I just need to gain more weight before the wife nags again.

Note to self: Run with the dog at least once a week.

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