Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Salty!

Photobucket Happy Birthday to my smelly dog!

You're officially a year old today! Are you happy? But too bad, there is not big birthday bash for you because everyone is busy with the Lunar New Year preparation. OK, being the kind me, I allow you to celebrate your birthday together with me next month.

Although you are a smelly dog, you are still adorable in some ways. The day when I first saw you, you were so small and naughty. Your curiosity never ends when we allow you to walk around the house when we are cleaning up your play pen area.

As the month goes by, I watch you grow. From a short skinny dog to a tall, slight fatter dog. And you never seem to stop growing. Initially we thought you were a miniature schnauzer, but witnessing how fast and tall you grow, we begin to accept the fact that you might be a standard schnauzer. But then again, you might be growing rapidly in height, but not in your fur color. You are slightly grey now, but you are still black overall. So please, do not play hide and seek with me by hiding in dark places.

And since you are a year old now, my greatest wish for you is to stop biting my belongings! It irks to see my things ruin. Please be an obedient dog.

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