Monday, January 12, 2009

Breaking Dawn Yada Yada Yada. I have finally finished this book after roughly a month? (Finally! I can read my new book, [The Bad Dog's Diary: Blake's Progress].

I would say I love this book a lot! One of my favorite book among the Twilight series.
Breaking Dawn, I can is one of the book that confused me because there is a part of Jacob's point of view. But whatever, I managed to get over this confusion between me and the book.

Edward and Bella got married, no doubt. And Jacob, the best man who was late, wasn't happy about the marriage. At least he attended Bella's wedding and had a dance with her. After their wedding, Edward and Bella was off to an island for honeymoon. There they made love and after finding a box of unused tampons and clarify with Carlisle, it was confirmed that Bella was pregnant.

At first I thought was why give birth to a baby that will want her life? But apparently, it is a good thing the baby didn't take away Bella's life. To be exact, it was Edward's venom that had saved Bella. And now, she is a vampire.

And of course, my favorite character Alice, I laughed at one of her sentence. She said that after being a vampire, Bella had improved in her sense of balance except for her fashion sense. I envy Bella, she had a huge wardrobe of clothes specially made by Alice. Aww . . . I wish to have a walk in closet too. But that is impossible.

Oh yes, I hate Caius from the Volturi clan. He just had the intention to kill. Stupid him. Don't like him. But it is a good thing with Aro around, there isn't any fight going on. And thanks to Bella, her shield had protected her family and friends as well as the shape-shifters (werewolves). It is a good thing that Alice and Jasper came out the last minute to prove that Renesme isn't dangerous in exposing the existence of the vampires to the human world.

Ah . . .
Happily ever after except that Irina was killed by the Volturi guards, thanks to Caius. :(

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