Saturday, December 13, 2008

Twilight (Movie) Baby said to make my Friday night free, she has a surprise for me. The best part was, she never told me what my surprise would be. She just said hope I will like. And being puzzled until I was in the theatre, I still did not know what my surprise will be. I pestered and asked, but no answer.

Meet Baby at Farrer Park MRT, and she was late so I had to wait for approximately another 10minutes before she arrives. Board the train and I have no idea where we are going. Reached Harbourfront, got down and walked towards Vivo City. I am still clueless about my surprise. I even asked where we are going and what will we be eating for dinner. She just told me Long John Silver.

Ah . . .
My wife is secretive last night. And she do not allow me to be secretive. =.=
Meet up her friends there and I was still clueless. I thought she brought me to Vivo just to meet her friends. But I thought wrong. I came to know that Jasmine would be coming, so is Vincent and the other guy. Not important to know his name.

Got in the theatre after dinner and some chats, I am still clueless in why we are watching a movie. First thing that came to my mind was, are we watching [Bolt]? But no. I did not know what we are watching until one of Baby's friend asked Jasmine and Kat, will be they like going to scream. Then, another thought came to my mind. Are we watching some horror movie? If so, I am so going to kill my wife. But no.

Kat and Jasmine was quite shocked that I did not know we are going to watch Twilight. Just then, a crazy Twilight fan entered the theatre and shouted [Twilight]! And she even went around her seats with the book. =.=

Anyway, yup, I've watched Twilight last night at Vivo. Haha . . .
That's my surprise.

The movie started with a deer, and I quite like it the way it ran and something chased after it. But then again, some parts of the movie was quite draggy and some parts that should not be in the film was there. And those exciting parts that I looke forward to in the book are not shown in the movie itself. It really was a very budget film as said by Kat and Jasmine.

I like some parts though. Like when he carried Bella and ran towards a clearing to show her how he looks like under sunlight. Only the running part although he looks as though he is flying because his feet did not touch the ground. I noticed it, maybe the editing part for the film did not go so well or may be the director wants it to be this way. Whatever the reason was, I quite like that running part. And no, I do not like it when he is under the sunlight. Although they did show his body shining, it looks more like he is sweating. In my mind before I watch the movie, I thought that the shining part would be stunning and blinded me. But no, it was just like a diamond shining on his body and face. One of my favourite part of the movie was when the Cullens played baseball in the storm. I like the effect of it. The sound is makes me feel as though I am in a thunderstorm. OK, I guess. But I still like that part where they played. But I do not like the part where James and his gang arrived. I thought I could see the grass rolling and moving under them, but they did not show in the movie though. So nice of a trailer to show me scenes that I do not see in the movie.

[Carlisle2988.jpg] You know in the movie, I find all the Cullens looks so so only, except for Carlisle. He looks super handsome in the movie. I think I prefer males with blond hair like what Baby has said. She's super jealous of it when I said I like Tom Felton in Harry Potter and Lucas Grabeel in High School Musical. Can I say I like Carlisle too? =x My favourite character in Twilight would be Alice. She's quite funny in the movie when she was introduced to Bella. Watch it and you will know why I like Alice in Twilight. In fact, she is my favourite character in the book. The way she dressed Bella and all those. If you have read the book, you should know what I am talking about.

And because Baby was listening to audio book of Twilight, she had already moved on the the fourth book before I do. And she was super eager to give us (Kat, Jasmine and me) spoilers. No, we do not want spoilers. Urgh.

Oh, the kissing scenes just did not make me feel like kissing Baby. But I do kiss her cheek, because when I turned to look at her, her cheeks are quite smooth and chubby which makes me want to kiss it. And the part where they show Carlisle changing Edward to become a vampire, it looks like you know, Gay kissing? =x And the part where Carlisle changing Esme into a vampire looks like as though they are going to have sex. =x

OK, that is how I feel. *laughs*

OK, just don't put too much hope in the movie. It is draggy and so budget film. I hope New Moon would be better. Heard they are changing the person who played as Jacob Black.

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