Sunday, December 14, 2008

Change Many said that women in a relationship, they tend to be different than before, a change that is. And yes, I have seen the change in me.

I have never done any housework before other than sweeping the floors of 94 and 96 Bridport Ave. And my previous hamsters, my mum is looking after them most of the time and I would only play and touch them during my free time. OK, I admit, I didn't spend enough time for my previous hamsters, but still they're precious to me.

But now, I am totally different. Different as in?

I still don't sweep the floor or do the laundry or mop the floor. I still don't know how to cook, but I only know how to bake. So at least I am not that bad after all. =x

Here's the change in me.

  • I started to look after my 11hamsters now. I washed their cages and tanks once a month. I changed their beddings once a week. I fed them every morning, and play with them occasionally by taking turns. Having 11hamsters is tiring plus a dog next to you who is trying to gain the hamsters attention.
  • I started to wash the kids cloths that I used to wipe dry their cages and tanks etc. Nope, I don't just throw it into the washing machine because I think it is unhygienic to do so. So I hand washed them even though I fairly well know I have sensitive skin which will itch easily.
  • I hand washed my wife's socks the other when she came home after work. It is because she walked under the rain in the morning, and came back with a stinky and wet socks. So being kind enough, and I didn't want to trouble my mother because of one pair of socks, I hand washed it. See, I am a slightly potential wife. =x
  • I hand washed my baby's underwear when only she came to stay overnight or take a bath after sweating the whole day. Yes, I washed it for her because she requested. Her clothes, I just dump into the washing machine to do the job. =x
See, I do change a teeny weeny bit.

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