Sunday, November 23, 2008

Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa I might not have watched the full movie of the first Madagascar, but I would say that I love Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa more than the previous.

I love Alex when he was young. The way his father tries to teach him how to be a lion, to hunt and be the alpha of the pack. But sadly, he was into dance. Even he arrived in New York, he was famous for his dance. I like the young Alex, he looks so cute!

Anyway, back to the movie. I like that little fellow, the cute little one. OK, I do not know his name, but he is the cute little one that I like. The one that had been chased by a shark when they arrived at Africa. He was so cute that I like him even more. He was so ever cheerful and would laugh even when the shark chases him. Weird little fellow, but I like. Maybe it is because of his unique character.

Oh my! David Schwimmer voice as the giraffe. His voice is so unique that Baby recognized it immediately. Something weird about the movie is, giraffe and hippo, nice pairing.

And the best part is, Baby cried again while we were watching the movie. OK, I admit that the part where Baby cried is touching. I almost cry too, but I held back my tears. Because, Baby will cry let the tears flow from her eyes for me anyway. =x

The penguins are cute in so many ways. Maternal leave for the male monkeys just for helping to build the plane. It is so damn hilarious when the leader of the penguin refused, until they showed him some pictures that they took. It is like a twist. Penguin in love with a doll, and eventually got married in the end. So weird, yet funny.

It is worth to watch, even though ticket price during the weekend is so freaking expensive. But for such a show, it is worth every penny although I am not the one paying for it. =x

Alex, King of New York!
I still like the little one.

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