Sunday, November 23, 2008

Johnny, the mix breed dog

Visited Kana on Thursday to meet her new puppy, Johnny. He is a mix breed of Labrador and another, that I have never heard of before. Anyway, he is so freaking small that at first thought, he looks like a Jack Russell. He is just one naughty playful boy, that bites me a little when I tried to play with him. =.=

He has his milk when we got home. At his room of course.

When he starts to irritate us just trying to bite us, Kana gave him a pillow to play with instead. *He is afraid of grandmother.*

This is how he looks like as a whole.

Finally! Peace. =x

Watched a few Indian movies on TV because grandmother wants to watch. And I notice Indian movies always will have dance moves every now and then, and it is common to see bloody fighting too.

Skip that part.
The way Kana looks after Johnny is way different from the way I looks after my dog. Here's the comparison.

  • I bathe my dog once a week.
    She bathe her dog twice a month.
  • I gave my dog solid food, and feed twice a day.
    She gave him milk since he is just one month old, and feed three times a day. She does not want to feed solid food yet from what I know.
  • I wack my dog and walk towards him to scold him when he did something wrong.
    She just bang the table to get his attention just to scold him. She never wack, because she thinks he will get back to her after everything.
  • I try to stop by dog from biting everyone.
    She just throw a cushion when he starts biting.
  • I leashed my dog when we go for walks.
    She carried him without a leash and collar, saying he would not run away. OK, may be now but not in the future right?
  • I teach my dog English, Mandarin, Hokkien and Teochew.
    She teach her dog English and Tamil.
  • When my dog was young, we teach him the basic commands.
    She did not teach any. All he knows was to come when there is food and does not respond much when being called.
And the best part was, since he is a Labrador mix, he might grow big. And so she say she might want to give away Johnny when he gets bigger or put him to sleep. =.= Nice owner. Since this is her decision, why not get a miniature dog instead? What is she thinking?

Although she is my friend, but I do not agree with giving away or putting to sleep just because he gets older. If I have a dog like hers, I would keep him till old age. Why give or put to sleep when I have feelings attached to my dog?

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