Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving It's another time of the year again. Happy Thanksgiving Day! Hopefully I didn't get the date wrongly, because if I'm not wrong, Canada had celebrated their thanksgiving last month.

Anyway, since it's thanksgiving day, there's so many people I wish to give my thanks to. So here's the list.

Note: Not all people that I know are on the list.

Evil Sister: A very BIG thank you! Without you, I would have not know that I've fallen in love with my dearest wife now. And many millions of thanks to you, for being the one that is giving advices and lending us a pair of listening of ears when we both needed most. Not to forget, the endless craziness you gave. You're just one zany girl.

Yan Ling: Thank you for being my bestest sister since the age of 7! Loving you lots. Although we might not have been meeting up most, at least you're there to give me moral support during our major examinations! Oh, and the memorable memories you gave.

Woon Cheng: I won't be calling you aunty, because I know you don't really like it. But whatever, you're the bestest sister I've ever had too since the age of 9? A very big thank you, for everything you gave. The best part was, I still can't believe my wife is your erm, niece. =.=

Yee, Sia & Tong: 谢谢你!It's a joy knowing the three of you. Can't forget the yellow banana incident when we first met. I'm not good with words, and my memories aren't good. But I definately remember those times we've shared together and the care and concern you gave. Thank you!

Wan Jun: Thank you for the rides in your small cute little car and for everything that you did. Totally enjoyed your company though we seldom meet out.

Geraldine Goh: Haha. I don't know why, but I just want to thank you this thanksgiving day. Thank you for all those crazy conversation we both had on MSN, although I ignored you most of the time. =x

Gerardine LOKE: A very big thank you to you. Although I know you don't read my blog and never know of it's existence, but still I want to let people know that I do appreciate what you've did. Thank you for ignoring my sms-es and calls lately just because I'm desperate to get the video we did for our assignments months ago. Thank you for taking up all the roles that I'm suppose to play for TVRP assignments. Thank you for just chucking me one side during school days for the past one year while you went happily earning money at Qoosh. And last but not least, thank you for asking us forking out more than our budget for the TVRP assignments and ignoring my pleas to help in advertising assignment where we both are suppose to do together.

(Sacarstic I know, but I really want to thank her for that. I seriously meant it. Because of her, I didn't pass my first interview for videography, and the second one too. Because I don't have that video other than my animation that my wife did for me.)

My Parents: Thank you for everything.

My Sister & her boyfriend: Thank you for giving me the worst teenage years I would never want in my life. Getting locked out of the bedroom, unwanted comments, bully and teasing, as well as BEING RUDE TO MY MOTHER, is not what I yearn for in life. Thank you for the miserable teenage years you've gave me since the age of 16. Now, I wish that in 3 years time, you both can just break up or at least grow mature! Everything you did doesn't mean it's perfect. Everyone has their own ways of teaching and learning and growing.

My grandmother: Thank you for everything.

To friends whom are not mentioned: Thank you for all those wonderful memories you gave. It's a joy knowing you, be it we're just friends for a short period of time. At least I know, I've learnt quite a lot from you, and that I'm glad I've met you.

Last but not least, HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all.

Hmm . . .

They should have a apologies day, so that I can apologize for whatever silly things I did. =x

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