Wednesday, November 26, 2008

For life

Kana visited me today, and we had this conversation about Baby and me. She was quite impress by Baby's knowledge in computer, and she was surprised that I did not know the terms like ram. And she was wondering how I got the current laptop I am using. Simple, my father is the one that did everything. Here is the conversation we both had other than Victor, our main person we are always talking about.

Micky: My girl didn't really like my sister and her boyfriend. And thus she said we can hurry and save up enough cash so that I can get a house a move out.
Kana: Huh? Are you serious about being with your girl forever?
Micky: Dead serious. *gives the serious look*
Kana: OK, so does your parents knows about this? I mean you're both girl you know?
Micky: Ya I know. Don't worry, my mum loves to talk to my girl, a lot.

Honey, see this?
I am so dead serious in sticking with you for life. I will be like a superglue, glued to you and go wherever you are going. In this way, when you want to kick me out of your life, it would be so difficult to. No matter how much you find me as a nuisance, I will still continue to stick to you because I want you. I want you badly in my life.

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