Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wait for my good news

Answer for the question I've asked last night.

Chang Er came from her mother's womb like us.


Baby: Why you stay only at the 2nd storey? Can't kiss longer. (we're in the lift) Why you're not staying on the 10th storey?
Me: OK, I'll stay at the 9th storey in future.
Baby: Why 9? Tell everyone our relationship will be everlasting?
Me: Nope. I want to invite my guest during my wedding. The invitation card will state 酒楼, which in fact is which storey I'm staying.
Baby: =.=


Not in the mood, because of one stupid video and Loke of course which caused my life upside down today.

As promised, she would be bringing her laptop down to Vivo and I'll burn the video into a disk. Somehow, I've received an sms from her saying she's in a rush to work and thus forgotten about the video.

And how nice. I have to re-do my portfolio to make it even better. Which Baby insist I did since I didn't get that stupid video in hand. So after my interview, I shall pester Loke everyday for the video whether she likes it or not. I'm desperate to get that video in hand.

Anyway, I'll be having my interview at 10am later. Wish me extra luck because I'm down right nervous. And wait for my good news if there's any. God bless me for this interview.

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